Chapter 9

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"Shut the fuck up you idiots" I look back over to diere whos waiting for my answer I get a text and I look down to read it and it's from my dad

Father: we have an event to go to this weekend you can bring a plus one but don't bring those two air heads your always with.

I roll my eyes. He hasn't seen me all week and this is the only message I get from him?!.

"Are you okay"diere sits down observing my anguished expression. And with her so close to me I remember what happened in home room how I wanted to kiss her and I thought she wanted to kiss me but I was wrong. I want to be her friend and I made her uncomfortable so the least I can do is give her a ride.

"Yeah I'm fine and i can give you a ride" she smiles and wraps her hands around my neck embracing me. And the moments over so quick I barely even realized what happened

"Thanks a bunch" she pulls away from me her ginormous eyes staring into mine endearingly. And I realize I need to apologize for my actions earlier.

"And I'm sorry about earlier I was being a dickwad" I say fidgeting with my wrings she seems to have notice because she grabs my hands.

"Apology accepted" as I go to say something I'm interrupted by gene clearing his throat.

"Diere this is gene an ezrian other wise known as twiddle dee and tweedle dub" gene holds a hand out for her to shake flashing a smug grin at her as she shakes his hand and ezrian waves his hand furiously accidentally hitting himself in the face. She chuckles and waves back.

"Nice to meet you guys I'm sorry to cut this short but I have to get back to my friends" she looks back at me and it's my turn to wave now she walks away waving back to us until she reaches her table.

"I like her" ezrian says stuffing his face with a cutie(the orange)

"Me too gene says" and I glare at him so he dosent get any ideas Gene is the notorious fuck boy at his school and I don't need him playing any games with diere she dosent deserve that. Gene holds his hand up in surrender.

"Joking" he says sarcastically


When school is finally over I wait for diere in the school parking lot. She texts me that she's on her way when I see her walk out the school building waving to me and I wave back. When she finally reaches the car I open the door for her.

"Thanks" she says climbing into the car. And I go around to the other side putting the car into drive.

"Your welcome so where are we headed" I hand her my phone on the maps app so she can type in the address. Once she finishes she hands it back to me. And I look at the screen realizing that my dad texted me again and she probably saw it.

"Sorry I wasn't trying to be nosy" she explains giving me a worried look

"It's fine I was gonna ask you about that actually. Would you wanna go with me?" I look over to her before locking my eyes back on the road.

"I guess I owe you don't I?" She groans and I don't know if it's because she dosent want to go with me or she hates the idea all together which neither do I but it might be more fun with her.

"Yes you definitely do"

"Okay what is this event? I doubt I have anything to wear to parties your parents go to" she says looking down at her clothes and I laugh because I'm wearing jeans and a t-shirt so I'm not the best person to ask for fashion advice from.

"We'll get you something after dinner" she looks at me confused. Shaking her head.

"You know I don't like getting things from people. I didn't even want to take a fruit roll up from you." I laugh again because that is true and really ridiculous.

"Well I cant just ask you to go. Take it as a thank you for coming with me." We finally reach the school.

"Let me go get them really quick I'll be right back she grabs her id and permission slip and leaves me in the car. So I decide to put on some music until she comes back and finally respond to my dad

August: sure dad

He knows I hate going to events but he still makes me go anyways just to make him look good. I was so deep in thought I didn't even know diere came out the building until I hear her open the car door lifting her siblings into the car and there's a lot of them. I turn down the music as they get in the car.

"Woahhh" one of them says he's a little pale kid with glasses and freckles. The next two behind him are two light skinned curly head twins they drive there toy cars all over the seats of the car. Another brown skinned girl with curly hair who looks almost Identicaly to diere comes in next and is holding hands with another girl she looks Puerto Rican and has a dinosaur plush in her hand. When there all sat down diere comes to sit in the front.

"Diere whos that" the one with glasses ask as he points his finger at me. The girl who looks like diere gasps.

"Is that your boyfriend" they all giggle and snicker whispering to eachother. She looks a bit flustered.

"Yes guys this is august, august this is Mac (the pale kid with the freckles and glasses) Destiney (the one who looks like diere) Harlow and Harvey (the twins) and rowan ( the one with the dinosaur plush)" they all wave at me saying hello and I wave back to them putting the car in drive.

"Everyone put your seat belts on" diere says turning the music back up and I'm surprised when the kids sing along. She's taught them well.

"August your car is so cool" harvey says tracing the gold detailing with his fingers diere chuckles.

"Thanks kiddo you like cars?" He nods his head ecstatically.

"I like cars too" Harley pitches in feeling left out. Showing me his car in the mirror.

"What's your favorite?" Harley taps his chin and thinks about it while Harvey has an answer straight away and I have a feeling that's there dynamics. The one who thinks things through and the one who just acts straight away.

"I like Porsche 911 GT3 it looks like bumblebee"

"He loves transformers"diere adds still waiting for Harley to answer "Harley did you pick a favorite yet?"

"Hmmm...if I had to chose I would say Dodge Viper GTS first generation" as confused as diere seems about what he's actually saying she still has a huge smile on her face as he tells her everything about it. Her other siblings adding to the conversation.

"Diere do you have snacks destiney ask from the back seat." Yawing dramatically. Yeah me too kid.

"We can't eat in here des wait till we get home" des pouts but listens how can you say no to that face?

"It's fine diere" I say reassuring her des smiling that adorable smile that makes any mess she could possibly make worth it. She looks me over one more time before grabbing fruit snacks from out of her backpack and handing it to everyone I even get one which makes me laugh.

"Thanks" I roll my eye sarcastically.

"Your welcome"

"Thank you diere" everyone else says harmoniously.

"Your welcome"

"Diere" Rowan squeaks from behind her.

"Yeah ro?"she ask turning her full attention to her.

"Are you in love?"

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