Chapter 8

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As I wake up my siblings for breakfast I see my dad looking at me with a face I've only seen a few times. And I come to the realization that mom told him about august and you know how black dads are about boys I mean you might not if your your white but that's besides the point. He walks over to me as I'm placing the food at the dining table.

"Goodmorning dad" I say in a sweet voice which usually makes him forget why hes mad at me but I doesn't work this time because he keeps that same stern expression and I here ooos coming from my siblings as they snicker and whisper to each other.

"Diere your mother told me that last night you were with a boy and he's your boyfriend and I knew she was lying because my bug would never be taking rides from strange boys right?"
He looks at me as though I've committed a crime or something and I wanna say that it was a lie right then in there.

"Diere has a boyfriend?!" Destiney screams in disbelief " is he cute!? I wanna see him!" She giggles as she stands up from the table and pulls my arm.

"Yes I have a boyfriend it's not that weird you guys are over reacting." And everyone gasps I could swear I could even hear noor gasp. "And he's coming over for dinner and if you guys don't mind I need to finish getting ready for school" I run up the stairs before my dad can even stop me. I quickly throw on my Brent faiyaz waste land hoodie and some flared tights. I grab my backpack and head downstairs grabbing the keys for the car until my dad stops me and takes them from me.

"Nu uh it's my turn to drive you kids to school remember" I don't remember because it's not true but I go along with it anyways. I hand all my sibling there backpacks and lunch kits and follow behind them out the door. As I get in the car I put in my headphones to drown out the loud chatter of the kids behind me. And for some reason I keep rereading the text august sent me last night. "Goodnight girlfriend" why does he keep calling me his girlfriend. My parents weren't even around. I put my phone under my lap to stop me from reading it. When we finally get to my school I grab my stuff and get out the car.

"Have a good day bug"I look at him and he looks happy but worried. I give him a quick hug and a peck on the cheek.

"You don't have to worry dad I'll be fine" I wave goodbye as he drives off and walk up to Angel and Lucas who's talking too august and laughing about something he said. When he sees me he smiles dimples and all.

"Good morning gir- diere" he says with a cheeky grin on his face. I roll my eyes at him in annoyance.

"Morning"I look over to Angel who looks confused by august and I's interaction.

"You two know each other" she says looking back and forth between us questioningly.

"Actually-" august says but I interrupt whatever idiocy was about to come out his mouth.

"We're working on the project together for English remember?" I glare at august and by the mischievous grin on his face I can tell my judgement was right.

"Oh right I remember now" angel says the bell interrupting her next thought. She grabs Lucas snapping him out of whatever day dream he was in "we're gonna head to class" they wave back at us leaving me and august here.

"Hello girlfriend" I can finally get a good look at him without being suspicious and there's bags under his eyes. I don't know why but I wanted to reach and touch his face but I quickly shoo away that thought.

"Did you not get any sleep?" I can see the grin fade from his eyes but is still plastered on his face.

"I had trouble" he says shrugging. "I'll sleep in class let's go" he grabs my hand as we walk to our home room . I let go as soon as we reach the door. And he walks in ahead of me plopping right at his desk and immediately falling asleep. I walk and take my seat next to him putting in my ear buds before laying my head down copying his position so we're facing each other. Since he's right next to the window there's a dim light shining on his face emasculating his features by the light carving his face. I can even see that he has slight freckles. I watch the rhythm of his breathing. His back slightly going up and down it's calming. And almost as if he could read my mind telepathically he flurries his eyes open his long lashes cover most of his low eyes. I don't look away even though I'm embarrassed he caught me staring but he doesn't tease me or say anything he just smiles as me and closes his eyes back again. Finally feeling the heat go to my face I sit up going on my phone and ignoring whatever the hell just happened. After class is over I wake august with a light tap on the shoulder he slowly gets up leaning back and yawning locking eyes with me standing behind him. I'm hoping he doesn't remember what happened while he was sleep he doesn't bring it up so I suspect that he doesn't.

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