Part 32

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H: Are you coming here before we go? I miss you. :(

You smiled to yourself, feeling that dizzying and slightly overwhelming love you had for him. Like a happy burning in your heart. Harry was such a baby sometimes and it honestly wasn't what you expected when you started dating him. But you couldn't lie, you did love it. He could be as dominating as anything (which you also frothed over) then be a needy child a moment later.

You: No. We're having pres here then we'll meet you at the bar Xx

H: Ok. What are you wearing tonight?

You: You'll seeeeee. You'll like it

H: I know I will.
H: Can't wait to get my hands on you. Text me when you're on your way. X

"Ugh. You're disgusting." Lucy rolled her eyes, throwing her empty can at you. You rolled your eyes and heart reacted to Harry's message before turning off your phone and throwing it onto the carpet of Lucy's floor.

"Whatever. I'm in love, remember." You teased, grabbing your glass to finish off the last bit of the sweet sugary alcohol that was getting you relaxed and giddy for what the night was going to bring. You needed to get drunk to get out of your head. At this point it might've been the only thing to not ruin the night.

"It's so cute!" Priya beamed, eyes meeting yours for a moment as she blended her eyeshadow. "I can't believe this is actually happening. It's so exciting."

"I think it's exciting." Lucy defended, "I wouldn't have helped the dickhead if I didn't like him. I'm just..." she paused to flick her eyeliner out, her hand slightly shaky from the couple drinks she already had. "...weary. I'm your best friend, I'm allowed to look at this through the eyes of a parent."

"I appreciate that, Luce. I really do, but tonight I want you to look at him as a friend. I want you to get to know him, like actually get to know him. He's... I can see a future with him and I want our lives to be normal." You explained, feeling that buzz start to grow slowly and slowly.

"You're starting off in the most un-normal way, babe." She snorted. "Your relationship is never going to be normal. Your age gap, your living situation. None of it is normal."

"Okay, seriously. Are you going to be like this all night?" You snapped, far too aggressive for her comment. She was just telling the truth, something that you valued heavily in your friendship.

"Jeez. I'm sorry. I'm just telling the truth." Lucy defended.

"No... I know..." you sighed, looking at her apologetically. You didn't mean to snap. You were just a little on edge and her reality check seemed to trigger you somehow. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap. I've just... been going through it I think."

Lucy had a feeling something was wrong. From the moment you walked in her door she could sense something was wrong. But she didn't want to be the bearer of bad news or the one to ruin the vibe. She'd ask you about it, but not tonight.

"Okay well we can go through it tomorrow, okay?" She responded softly. "You want to have a good night, so let's have a good night." Her tone turned positive, trying to comfort you. "here-" she then got up and passed you another drink, squeezing your arm comfortingly before she plopped back onto the floor where she was doing her makeup.

"Agreed. Let's have a good night." You smiled, opening the can to start your third drink of the night.

By the time you were at the bar, all three of you were sufficiently tipsy. You didn't want to be too drunk, so you cut yourself off at four drinks while Priya had a few extra. Lucy cut herself off earlier than you but you were all in a good mood.

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