Part 12

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The sound of a quiet house greeted Harry. Usually Archie would bark like crazy, and so loud Harry could hear it from his car. Then a minute later you'd be opening his front door to greet him and let Archie run out to meet Harry, or let Harry in, depending on who was faster.

Today neither of those options happened. There was no barking, and no pretty girl to greet him at the door. He thought you might be on your second walk of the day, considering it was just after 3pm and a lot earlier than Harry would usually be home.

He called out for you anyway and walked down his hall towards his kitchen and living area. He peaked in each room along the way to see if you were there just in case, before entering the open planned living space and stopping right in his tracks. His mouth gaped at the scene he stumbled on, and his heart started beating erratically in his chest just looking at it.

There you were, curled up fast asleep on the couch under his crochet blanket with Archie snuggled up right to your bum, his chin on your hip. Archie had opened his eyes to look at Harry, and his tail wagging was the only indication that he was excited to see his dad. The rest of him was completely still and zonked out, his eyes barely open to look at Harry.

No wonder he didn't bark or get up to greet him, Harry wouldn't move from that spot either if he was the one cuddling up to you.

It was adorable. You were adorable. Seeing you in such an innocent state just made Harry feel... good. He didn't know how else to describe it, but it was warm and fuzzy, and he just wanted to protect you and let you be in that state forever if that's what you wanted.

He saw you this morning briefly on your morning walk, but it was quick and almost uncomfortable due to how Friday night got left off. Despite that and the importance of clearing things up, he knew he couldn't wake you up to have that conversation. It just felt cruel to interrupt your sleep when you so clearly needed it.

You also just looked so pure and innocent in your dream state, Harry wanted to watch a little longer. It was probably fucking creepy, but he did it the first time you two slept together and he was going to do it now. Before you woke up that morning, Harry laid in bed a little longer before getting up just to look at you. You were just so pretty and soft and had such lovely qualities about you he wanted to look at you forever.

This situation was like that, so despite the raging voice in the back of his head telling him to just ignore you and walk into a different part of the house to let you sleep, he got out his phone and snapped a quick picture. If you ever found it, he could put it down to wanting to get a photo of Archie being so lazy, but truthfully it was because he never wanted to forget this moment.

After that stupid decision that he'd probably regret later, he quietly walked into the kitchen and placed his belongings on the island bench. As he was slipping his shoes off to lessen the sound of his footsteps, he spotted your laptop open on the coffee table.

The screen was still bright, so it was clear you hadn't been asleep too long since it hadn't gone into power save mode. His first thought was to shut it properly for you so the battery wouldn't drain, and his second was curious what you were doing on it in the first place. You never brought it to his house since you had your own account on all his streaming services if you ever wanted to watch anything.

Today seemed to be a day of making regretful actions, because one second he was in his kitchen, and the next he was crouching beside the couch and pulling your unlocked laptop closer to have a look. His eyes widened when he saw the screen, and many many emotions flooded through him all at once.

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His eyes flicked between your sleeping body then back at the computer. It was meant to be a quick look to satisfy his curiosity but now that he knew what it was about, he couldn't help but snoop a little more. He had a quick read through the page and kept note of several facts.

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