Part 11

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My girl... You're mine... I've ruined you...

My girl.

You're mine.

Mine. My girl. Mine. Mine. Mine...

The words repeated in your head like you were possessed. From the moment you exited that bathroom to now, three days later and lying on Harry's couch like a fucking slob while trying to organise your uni timetable, those words hadn't left your head.

The entire night was a whirlwind of events, and you couldn't help but pick it apart, frame by frame, conversation by conversation, interaction by interaction.

From the moment you entered that party you felt out of place. Somewhere in the middle of the night, whether that be when Harry's cock was in your mouth or he was snorting coke off your tits, you felt almost... comfortable. Comfortable may not be the right word, but you felt like a part of Harry's life as more than just his 'overworked dogsitter' or hookup.

God that title made you want to pull your fucking hair out.

Leaving that bathroom though... it was like you were right where you started out. Uncomfortable and out of place, not only in Harry's party but in his life, in your life too.

At the beginning of this relationship, you were convinced you just wanted sex. You never had the desire for anything else with Harry, and it wasn't just because of the obvious complications in the situation. The age gap and other life differences and obstacles were contributing factors for sure because it was an unrealistic idea for someone like Harry to even want you like that, and even if he did it was virtually impossible for it to ever work out.

But beyond that, in general you didn't want a relationship. Your degree was more important to you, as were growing and maintaining friendships and having life experiences before you got tied down to romance. It could've been partly fear since you had never had a relationship before, but it was mostly because you didn't feel like a romantic relationship was what your life was lacking right now.

Before Harry your relationships with men had been purely sexual or friendly, so to you, this hookup was just that, a hookup. It was going to be raw and dirty and the best sexual experience of your entire life, and truly, it lived up to that expectation.

Harry was hot, and dirty and fuck could he do mindblowing things with his body. But your interest in him went beyond his appearance way before you started hooking up. Yes, he was always an unattainable fantasy, but you enjoyed getting to know him. You loved your weekly dinners and chats. Seeing him daily was like the best part, even if he made your insides twist and your pussy wet the second he made eye contact with you.

The party seemed to change that though. You felt it even earlier than that, on his actual birthday where you realised you had begun clinging onto the things you and Harry did that were romantic or affectionate. It was the way he held you, spoke softly to you, caressed you in such a tender way. It was his soft eyes and his laugh when you two just bantered.

You could feel yourself picture what it would be like to date Harry and to experience all the relationship things for the first time... to fall in love. Even though you knew what Harry was like; his hate for relationships, his hookup habits, and selfish ways, you still had this feeling deep down that he'd be a good partner. And that he'd be the perfect person to guide you through your first relationship without treating you like a child or invalidating your feelings.

It was a feeling deep down that lasted all throughout your dinner that night and you just couldn't get it out of your head. You tried to ignore it, because fuck, getting feelings for Harry was quite possibly the last thing you needed.

Rich H.SWhere stories live. Discover now