Part 6

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Your Saturday started as typical as you thought it'd be. You slept in and went on your walk in the afternoon instead of bright and early like you usually would. You hoped you'd run into Harry at some point, but his car was gone when you left. When you got home, he was back but was already inside.

You were so curious about him as a person, what his life was like. He did grocery shopping like any normal person, but there was something just so enigmatic about him that made you want to know every single detail about him and his day. He could've had a secret family back in England and you'd have no idea.

You weren't hosting tonight's pre's which was kind of disappointing. If you were hosting, Harry might've gotten a glimpse of you all dressed up and come out to talk to you, or at the very least you'd be able to see him all dressed up and going out to see his friends. You wondered what his friends were like. Were they as charismatic as him? As organised and serious in their day-to-day lives?

Maybe they were fun and lively and encouraged Harry to drink and get up to no good. It was hard to imagine Harry drunk, or even singing karaoke like you'd do with your friends. You were sure there was a fun side of him, but so far you hadn't seen it.

You drove to your friend Lucy's house, who was already a margarita in when you arrived. She lived quite close, only a couple minutes away so the two of you often hung out and went for walks over Summer when she wasn't working. You went to the same high school, and she was one of the few friends you kept, even after you started living near campus during uni semesters.

The other girls, Abbey and Priya, you met through Lucy. You met over New Year's when Lucy hosted a party and you just clicked. Since then, the four of you had hung out as much as you could. You weren't sure if the friendships were going to last once uni started again, but you were happy with just having a Summer friendship with these girls.

They were fun and you always had a laugh when you hung out with them. Tonight, was all about Abbey though. Her boyfriend of two years just dumped her completely out of the blue so she was on the hunt for some hunk to get under so she could get over her ex. The plan was to hit up some of the classier bars in the city where the rich businessmen hung out so she could find someone with money. Although she didn't want a relationship, she wouldn't have said no to someone who could fund her shopping addiction.

So, once you had all gotten ready and were sufficiently tipsy (less than your usual level so you could all find Abbey a man), you Ubered to the train station and made your way to the city. The ride was a lot longer than it felt, and soon you were all giggling and making your way into the first bar.

You had booked this one because you had high hopes, but after you each got a cocktail and did a few laps to find a suiter, there was just no one interesting. Your eyes were strictly looking for Abbey, but even if you were looking for yourself no one stood out. The same thing happened at the second bar, so you all decided that you'd give one more bar a shot before you got rid of the plan and just went to find someone in a club.

Abbey was aiming high, but at the end of the day she was happy to just get laid for a bit of a confidence boost. You honestly wished you could tell the girls how good you were getting dicked down, but you knew you couldn't tell a soul about you and Harry. No one could know, and you were willing to keep it a secret to keep your thing with him going.

God... you couldn't stop thinking about it. The way his lips felt on yours, his body hovered over you and his fingers digging into his thighs. His gorgeous, gorgeous hand wrapped around your neck with the metal of his rings cooling your heated skin. Everything about it made your body shiver, and you were having a hard time concentrating on your plan when your mind seemed to constantly be on him.

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