Part 25

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Once Lucy, Priya and Tracey were gone, you returned to the quiet of your room. You thought it was what you wanted, to be alone. You thought you wanted time to process everything that had happened and what it all meant. But when you got back there and saw your lingerie half-sticking out of your bag, the same lingerie Harry bought you, you just felt suffocated.

This morning you thought incorporating something Harry bought you would feel empowering, like you were reclaiming something and creating a new memory with it; a memory not associated with him anymore. But now... now you just wanted to ignore his existence. You wanted to get back to your day and make the most out of tonight and to do that you couldn't wear something Harry even knew existed.

You didn't have much lingerie aside from the ones he bought you. There were a couple pieces you bought as options for his birthday, but they were for his birthday. They still had his name and memory all over them and it just felt dirty and it hurt. You never planned to buy something new just for tonight, but now it was exactly what you needed to do.

A fresh start.

So instead of going for your daily dose of exercise and fresh air, you headed straight to your car and to the nearest lingerie shop. With a nice iced coffee in hand, you walked around a little bit before finding the perfect piece. It was a little pricey, but completely worth it. And, it was Harry-free. That was more important to you than anything else.

After the grocery shopping you were meant to do before Lucy and Priya arrived, Jay came over so you could discuss your outfits and figure out last minute packing before you were going to drive to the city together. Maeve had classes all day and wasn't able to join in on the fun, but she already had her wardrobe sorted yesterday and got the seal of approval from you both. You really wanted her to be there so you could give her an update on everything that's happened today, but that just wasn't going to happen until tonight.

You all had dinner reservations before heading to the club, giving you the perfect opportunity to meet Dakari and get to know him. You'd officially meet him beforehand at his apartment, but that was only to get an uber together to the restaurant.

After this whole Harry debacle, you were more nervous than ever to meet him. Another rich older man... it just felt like deja vu. He was Maeve's boyfriend so it was a completely different situation, and he had always been clear of his intentions from the start, but still. A rich businessman? You just couldn't help but think he might know Harry in some way too, or that there was some connection somewhere the universe decided to create to just torture you a bit more.

But you also couldn't let yourself turn this exciting introduction into something Harry related, or you related. This night was for new beginnings and something Maeve was really excited about. You had to be a good friend and pretend like nothing else was going on.

So that's what you did. You excitedly squealed during Jay's outfit choices and helped him pick something, then put a hype playlist on once you two got in your car to drive to the apartment. But you clearly weren't being convincing enough...

"Are you okay, babe? You seem so quiet" Jay commented, looking over at you from the passenger seat. You didn't really register his question for a good 5 seconds, too caught in your own head and the directions the map was giving you.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine." you breathed, focusing your attention on the road while your hands flexed on the steering wheel.

"And this doesn't have anything to do with those three girls with you?" He raised a brow, clearly seeing through your bullshit response.

"No. Why? Nothing's wrong Jay" You tried to sound convincing, but your tone just turned flat instead.

"Oh don't give me that shit. I know you, y/n. Something is clearly up. You were fine this morning and last night, then after your friends left you got all moody. You weren't even excited by my harness and you always get excited by my harnesses"

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