Part 22

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As soon as Harry recovered from his panic attack, and his chest didn't feel like it was going to explode, he got his phone out of his back pocket and called your dad.

He left Archie at your BBQ. He never would've done it in any other situation, and the guilt was sitting terribly on his heart and made his stomach ache. But he knew Archie was safe and happy, in a familiar environment with people Harry knew would take care of him.

That was the only reason he wasn't rushing back after him. That and the fact that he couldn't step foot in your front yard let alone your house.

"Harry! I thought I saw you rushing off mate, everything okay? Archie's still here and managed to steal a sausage. I know the bastard can't eat them so I took it away real quick" Tim responded, laughing in amusement. His voice was slightly slurred which was expected for someone who had a beer in hand since barely 10 am this morning.

Harry hadn't really thought that far ahead. He should've, and usually, he would've already had a plan in place. But laying there on his grass, looking up at the stars with a spinning head and an aching heart completely messed with his sanity.

For the first time in his life, he had no plan. He had no ideas or methods to try and talk himself out of this situation. His mind was a mess.

"I..." Harry swallowed thickly, pushing his hair away from his sweaty forehead and closing his eyes. The grass was warm and prickly but wet from Harry's sprinkler system. He grabbed onto it and started playing with it to ground him, trying to mask with confidence.

"My cousin. Stupid bugger got in an accident on his bike and landed in the emergency room" he laughed like it was funny, but his chest hurt at the lack of conviction in his own voice. He fisted the grass again, ripping the beautiful grass that he spent a lot of time getting green and healthy. 

"He's okay, just a broken arm but I had to rush out of there. I managed to say bye to y/n before I left, but Archie... If you wouldn't mind, is there any chance you can drop him by later? Y/n has a key, and Archie will wander in by himself once the door's open. I just won't be home for a while."

He winced at the sound of your name falling from his lips, body jolting like he had a physical as well as emotional reaction to you. He felt a lot of things, thought a lot of things. But he couldn't put his finger on any singular thought.

Everything was jumbled... erratic.

"Oh yeah mate, of course. Archie's a cute little dude. Y/n loves him, I'm sure she won't mind bringing him over."

"Oh, no don't ask y/n." Harry rushed, not wanting you any part of it. "I don't want to bother her. I uh, asked her before I left. Think she still hasn't finished packing yet" Harry forced another laugh, this time unable to hide the bitterness laced within it.

Luckily Tim was too tipsy to pick up on the many inconsistencies in Harry's voice and agreed happily. "Of course she hasn't" he laughed, "but no worries mate! I'll see to it myself that young Archie is back in your house by the time you get back" his tone was joyful and if Harry wasn't so torn up inside he may have relayed that same joy.

"Thanks Tim, I'll owe you one"

"Just take care of your nephew mate, see you soon."

The call ended after that, and Harry once again was forced to lay completely still and just stare up into the sky. He felt stupid and defeated lying there like that, fully clothed in soaked grass that most definitely ruined the light colours of one of his favourite shirts.

But he just couldn't move. His body was still heavy, and that conversation left him exhausted.

It had been years since his last panic attack, one that was triggered by a phone call he had with his sister after he moved to Melbourne. They were debilitating and made you feel so fucking out of control and just bruised.

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