Part 29

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After that incredible first date, you found yourself wanting to see Harry all the time. You were used to it, really. At the beginning of working for him and getting to know him beyond just neighbours, you saw him every day and had dinner once a week like clockwork. Now that you were dating... you wanted that convenience and closeness more than ever before.

You were just so happy with how things were progressing and you could already see a lot of changes in him than before you two broke things off. He was always attentive, but you noticed now that he paid more attention to what he said and what he did. He was more willing to tell you how he was feeling and he checked in with you a lot. Asked how you were feeling about things.

It showed that he was actually making an effort. You still had your reservations and part of you even thought that you wouldn't really see a proper change until your first fight, or some other challenge where you two had to be completely honest with each other. Would he lie?

It felt wrong to wait for a test or even want to test him when so far, things had been okay. But so far, all you two had done was go on dates and see each other at minimum once a week. It was going slow, exactly how you wanted it to but you were almost getting a little jittery about it.

Through it all, the lying was the biggest betrayal because of the domino effect and manipulation that came from it and you were getting jittery because there hadn't been a situation where he had the opportunity to lie about something or purposefully hide. No test. It wasn't a great feeling to have, yeah, but your trust was still hidden behind a wall until you could honestly believe that he could be honest and show change even when things got tough.

As the first couple of weeks went by, you found the distance hard. It wasn't impossible, sure, but with both your busy schedules and the long drive, it was hard to organise to see each other. You weren't at the point of spending nights together either which would've made things easier in hindsight. But you just weren't there yet.

Lucky for you, Harry was great at organisation and routine and 'working from home' more than he ever had in his entire career just to make time for you. Part of you hated the inconvenience he put himself through and the other loved how far he was willing to go just to see you.

God he just made you feel so... nervous. Jittery nervous and in a good way. Just thinking about him made you all riled up and excited and you found yourself always waiting for him. For the next text, the next date, the next time you got to see his perfect face and kiss his pretty mouth.

Which was why you were so upset that you had to cancel on him.

Unlike Harry, you were far from organised. You were a procrastinator and thought that doing a project too early was a bad thing because you'd have too much time to overthink what you had done before you actually submitted it. Then you'd go back and edit and end up submitting it right on the due date anyway.

But it had never interfered with your dating life. Social life, yeah. Maeve and Jay were used to your cancellations because you left something too long. There had been many times they just sat in your place and watched a movie while you finished your project so they could hold you accountable.

But Harry... you had never cancelled a plan with him and you felt so ugh and disappointed in yourself. You didn't have reservations or anything. It was a nice day so the plan was to go to the bay near your old house and have a swim and get takeaway. But you left your project way too long and you didn't have time to even drive back to your old place let alone do that and see Harry.

You were getting all twisty inside and you hated it.

"Hi, darling. How are you?" Harry greeted through the phone.

Rich H.SOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora