Part 27

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The apartment was quiet when you woke up. No footsteps or sound of coffee, or any indication that Harry was still there. Initially, you wanted to get up early and go for a walk while Harry was still sleeping so you'd be gone by the time he woke up and get the message to leave, but you barely slept.

Even though you were exhausted, both mentally and physically, you still laid there for a good hour or two unable to rest. By the time you did sleep, it was too late for your 'early morning walk' and you had caught up on the much-needed shut-eye.

When you got up it was past 12 and you were sure Harry was gone. He was an early riser and with the way things left last night, you both seemed to be on the same page that you wouldn't be seeing each other this morning. At least that's the vibe you got and what you wanted anyway.

You checked Jay's room first, finding him heavily snoring in the same clothes from last night. He wasn't even in the covers, just face down and flopped on the bed like he collapsed on it after coming home. You heard him come home last night, or rather, this morning stumbling about a bit and muttering a too loud 'oh fuck' when you guessed he saw Harry on the couch.

The last thing you wanted to do was talk to him about it, so when he came into you room and very loudly whispered your name, you pretended to be asleep. It worked thankfully, but you knew there'd be questions when he woke up.

When you entered the living room, the couch was clean and made up like Harry never slept there. The only thing that did show he was ever in your space to begin with was a large takeaway cup on the island bench with a note beside it written on a napkin.

I'm sorry I wasn't there to see you this morning, I had to get back to Archie. I'm ready to talk when you are.


You reached out and touched the cup, its cold temperature telling you that he left a while ago. You took a small sip, a smile forming on your lips at its perfect taste, just how you like it.

The 'H' on the note managed to make your heart clench, as did the thoughtfulness of him going out of his way to get you a coffee. Still, you were having a hard time processing everything you two spoke about last night.

Harry confused you. All you wanted was an explanation for everything he did to you. A heartfelt apology thrown in would've been nice too. You got both and yet you still couldn't really come to terms with his excuses for everything. His responses and thought processes felt like something a young-inexperienced lover would have.

He didn't know how to handle his emotions or rather, he didn't want his emotions so he hurt you in the process of deflecting them. And the lying. The lying was possibly the biggest problem out of everything.

Would that be his immediate defence if you two ever had a disagreement or fight? Would he just lie to tell you what you wanted to hear? Would he lie to smooth things over when things get tough because he doesn't want to be honest about how he feels?

It just felt like you would be entering a relationship with someone apologetic and self-aware but without any proof or past experience that showed you he actually could fix or attempt to fix these massive character faults of his. The big fucking red flags. He was confident that he wanted to change and that he wanted this to work, but could he?

"Fuck me. My head feels like a bowling ball." Jay groaned from behind you. A smile curled on your lips as you turned around to face him. He hadn't changed his clothes yet and was clutching his head with both hands as he slugged across the room towards you.

"Well, I feel fresh as a daisy."

That was a lie, but your headache was because of a man not because of alcohol.

Rich H.SWhere stories live. Discover now