Part 14

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The bath you shared was mostly silent, but you didn't mind. The first little bit was Harry putting more lube on your ass to get the plug out without hurting you, then a quick shower to wash that off before you both hopped into the bath.

The entire process was making you a little overwhelmed, truth be told. The way Harry talked you through everything, gently caressed your body and made sure you were completely comfortable, especially while he was removing the plug then washing your body in the shower just felt intimate.

Too intimate.

Harry was doing the entire thing like it was normal for him, and while you had showered together before, something about it just felt more intimate than usual and you were struggling with it. It felt like you both had two completely different mental outcomes out of your conversation on Monday and you could read it in the way Harry was taking care of you.

Now, you loved it, hell you could even say you never wanted it to end, but that was the problem. It felt like Harry was satisfied with the outcome of the conversation on Monday and now felt even more comfortable to just touch you and show intimacy without any pressure of feelings. With you, it was the opposite, and while you liked the attention he was giving you, it also just made you like him more.

But you knew you were developing these feelings and still continued sleeping with him. You made your bed and now you had to lie in it and there was nothing you could do about it. The fact that you were leaving in a week and a bit was starting to look like a blessing rather than a curse.

"You said something about dessert earlier, what did you have in mind?" You asked softly, tracing random patterns on the back of Harry's hand. You were sat between his legs, your back pressed to his. He had one arm around your body and the other along the edge of the bath with his chin on your shoulder, watching you trace the random shapes on his skin.

"Ice cream"

"Ice cream? Since when do you have ice cream in your freezer?" you asked with a rose brow, even though he couldn't see it. He chuckled softly in your ear and kissed your shoulder, pressing a couple in a line before resting his chin there again.

"Not here. Was thinking we go to Clancy's. Would walk there but we both know you can barely stand right now" he smirked, squeezing your thigh under the water and making you jolt. Ignoring the physical sensation, you were completely surprised by the proposition. Ice cream? Outside of the house? Together?

The idea just seemed so odd and nothing like Harry. Considering how secret your relationship was, wouldn't going for ice cream be weird and raise questions?

"You want to go to ice cream? Together?" you asked slowly, wanting to look at him but unable to due to where his head was.

"Well going by myself wouldn't be very fun, would it?" he chuckled, eyes focused on your hand over his. It actually would be fun, and Harry had been to Clancy's Ice Cream Parlour many times by himself and with Archie and he thoroughly enjoyed it time and time again. The ice cream was delicious, and they had this really good lemon sorbet that he had a liking to.

But sitting here with you and spending time with you was infinitely better than going by himself. With such limited time together too, he almost felt like he owed it to you to take you out of the house at least once.

Having secret sex was one of the hottest things he had ever done, and he loved it. But you were his friend too, and he wanted to spend time with you that was just time spent together, and not something sexual. Before you started sleeping together your weekly dinners were a time to chat and enjoy each other's company, but after your hookups started you lost that time that was just spent together as friends.

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