The Great War pt.6

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Taylor woke up to harsh vomiting, leaning over the toilet the best she could with her big belly.

She let out a light whimper, slowly rising from the toilet, sitting on the toilet with the lid shut as she caught her breath.

She felt harsh, jolting movements from her baby, knocking the wind out of her has the baby kicked her ribs.

She groaned, trying to stand up but was quickly jolted back to sitting down as pain radiated from her pelvic area.

She squeezed her eyes shut, taking deep breaths as the pain passed.

Getting back up, she waddled back to her bed, setting down. She slung her legs over the bed, laying back down.

Taylor settled back down in bed, feeling her eyes drift shut.

But her slumber didn't last long because she soon found herself breathing through pain again.

These were worse than Braxton hix, these were full on contractions.

She still felt nauseous, so she kept a small trash can beside her.

Sitting up in bed, she lay with her head back against the headboard.

She felt so alone and uncomfortable in that moment. Sitting there alone in pain felt like there was darkness all around her, her light, Travis, far from reach.

Soft tears fell down her cheeks, which progressed into light sobbing.

Taylor realized that she couldn't just sit there and cry when she was going to give birth very soon.

She mustered up all her strength and walked downstairs where their telephone was located.

It felt as if her baby was sliding out of her faster and faster with each step, but she couldn't just sit there in a step when she most likely couldn't get back up again.

She grunted, leaning on the railing as the amount of pain was too much to handle.

She let out a loud whimper, clutching the railing. This baby was coming much faster than when her son was born.

When she finally made it downstairs, she got to the phone and called Elizabeth's number.

Elizabeth was quick to answer, on the edge since Taylor was so close to having the baby.

"Elizabeth, I think I'm in labor. It really hurts, please hurry", pleaded Taylor on the phone.

"I'll be right over sweetheart", Elizabeth said, hanging up quickly, presumably so she could walk to Taylor's house from next door.

Right when they hung up, Taylor felt a warm liquid run down her legs.

Her water just broke. She was going to have this baby in the house because there was no way she could make it to the hospital in time.

She huffed, feeling intense, tight pain in her abdomen.

"Travis!", she wailed, knowing he wasn't there to help.

Taylor heard the front door open, Elizabeth hustling through.

"Oh honey. Let's get you to sit down", said Elizabeth, grabbing Taylor's torso as Taylor grabbed the older woman's shoulders, leaning on her for support.

Taylor huffed, sitting down on the plaid couch.

"When did these start?", asked Elizabeth, a retired midwife.

"They've been on and off all day, but they got really bad a few hours ago", said Taylor, groaning as a contraction ran through her.

"It really hurts", she whimpered after the contraction subsided.

"I know, I know. Let's get you to the hospital", said Elizabeth.

"No, I need to push", Taylor said, suddenly getting the urge.

"What? Already sweetheart?", asked a worried Elizabeth.

Taylor nodded, her eyes squeezed tight, clutching Elizabeth's hand as another contraction came.

"Ok, let me get a towel or something for when the baby comes", she said hurriedly, rushing to the linen closet to grab a couple towels.

She hurried back. "Ok, when a you feel a co traction, push. Let's get your underwear off so we can see you hemorrhage," said Elizabeth, sliding Taylor's underwear off under her nightgown.

Elizabeth spread Taylor's legs out, getting back into the art of being a midwife.

Taylor felt a harsh contraction, making loud noises as she pushed.

Elizabeth spread a towel under Taylor's bottom and had one within reach for when the baby came. "You're doing great. Keep going", encouraged Elizabeth.

"I can't", sobbed Taylor after several pushes.

"Yes you can. Do it for Travis, you are so strong", said Elizabeth, meaning every bit of it.

Taylor grunted, clutching the arm of the couch as she pushed with all her might.

"Almost there! I see a head", exclaimed Elizabeth. She saw a little head with brown fuzz on top of it.

Elizabeth grabbed Taylor's hand, reaching it to the baby's head.

Taylor used this as motivation to push even harder.

Before Taylor knew it, she heard a loud newborn cry.

Taylor felt tears in her eyes, seeing Elizabeth wrap the baby in a towel.

"It's a girl!", exclaimed Elizabeth, handing the newborn to her mother, placing her on Taylor's bare chest.

Taylor heaved in air, holding her newest masterpiece.

"She's perfect", said the baby's mother, placing a kiss on top of her head.

"What's her name?", the hospital staff asked Taylor. They had taken Taylor to the hospital shortly after she had given birth.

"Dolly Michele Kelce", Taylor said, smiling at the bundle of joy in her arms. Dolly had blue eyes like her mother but the brown hair of her father, the opposite of her brother.

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