N Nauseous

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"Baby?", Travis asked softly, tapping on the bathroom door. "Mhmm", Taylor responded, unlocking the bathroom door to let him in. "Wow, you've popped", Travis said, placing his hands gently on her baby bump. He couldn't believe she was seven months pregnant already. "You don't say", Taylor said sarcastically. "I think it's adorable", Travis said, a stupid grin on his face. 

Their moment was interrupted by their 2 year old son Grayson. "Mommy", me sobbed, pushing past his dad to hug his mom's legs. "What's wrong, buddy?", Taylor asked, bending down slowly to hug the little boy. "Scawed", he mumbled against her chest. "What are you scared of?", Taylor asked gently, standing up. "You weft me", he said, blue eyes meeting blue eyes. "Oh, i'm sorry buddy. Your daddy and I were just talking", Taylor assured, slinging the little boy up on her hip. "Sorry, bud", Travis said, taking Grayson from his mom. "Thanks", mouthed Taylor, exiting the bathroom to find some earrings. "Ok, let's get you in your carseat", Travis told Grayson, the little boy waving goodbye to his mom. "I'll only see you in a few minutes", laughed Taylor. 

"Daddy, I'm bowed", Grayson complained, kicking his careat for dramatic effect. "Do you want to play on my phone?", Travis asked, opening his phone to Toddler Games. Grayson nodded enthusiastically. "Fanks", he said, gladly accepting the phone.

Travis noticed that Taylor was leaning her head against her elbow, her eyes clenched. Her hand was placed daintily over her growing bump. "Tay, everything ok?", Travis asked, moving his hand to her thigh. Taylor moaned softly, not even bothering to open her eyes. Travis knew what this meant, so he quickly opened the glove box and pulled out a plastic bag, handing it to Taylor. She snatched the bag and immediately began to throw up. Between throwing up, Taylor would let loose a light whimper, breaking Travis's heart. 

The last time he had seen her this vulnerable and weak was when she went into labor early with Grayson on their way to a date. She had only just turned eight months pregnant, and she was truly scared and in shock. All day, Taylor had been experiencing 'light' cramping, and then out of nowhere her water broke. Not only did she ruin her favorite pregnancy dress, but he had to go to the hospital instead of going to their last date before baby. But the fear that their baby boy would come too early outscored all disappointment. 

"Poor thing", Travis whispered, rubbing her back with his non-driving hand. Taylor put to bag down, tying the top. "Tay, i'm sorry baby", he said, rubbing her shoulder. She gave him small smile, clearly fake. Taylor had a habit of forcing all of her problems on her alone, pushing people away. Of course, she loved Travis and he had taught her that love always comes with emotional baggage on the other person and he was willing to accept hers, but he still caught her sometimes smiling through even the toughest of situations. 

After Taylor had drunken some water and a few minutes had went by, she slowly began to regain strength. "Baby, are you still up for Jason and Kylie's", he asked softly. Taylor nodded, putting her hand onto of Travis's that was still placed gently on her thigh. "Yeah, I feel better now. Except baby girl won't stop kicking my ribs, so that's not very pleasant", Taylor said, rubbing the spot the baby kept kicking to soothe the rowdy unborn baby. "She's practicing her football skills", Travis said through a grin. "Don't encourage our daughter to keep torturing me", scolded Taylor, giving his arm a playful shove.

Daughter. Travis smiled to himself, picturing his unborn daughter playing princesses with him, him throwing her into bed playfully like he did with Grayson every night. He couldn't wait to have a daughter. He loved his son with all his heart, but he couldn't wait for his little girl to get here. She already had him wrapped around his finger and she wasn't even here yet.

Travis unbuckled Grayson from his car seat, lifting the boy out of the car. Grayson's first reaction was to bolt to the front door, impatiently waiting for his slow parents. Travis shook his head with a smile, helping his pregnant wife out of the car. "You ok baby?", Travis whispered. "Don't worry, i'm fine", she assured him, smiling. "Ok, just checking because we don't want you too worn out for tonight, do we?", Travis whispered closely to her ear, sending chills up Taylor's spine. "Trav, stop", she whined, smiling nevertheless at Travis's sweet gesture. Travis kissed her cheek, taking her hand like they used to do all the time before they had Grayson. "Daddy, stop kissing mommy and let's go", he complained, being overdramatic and hunching his shoulders. "We're coming, bud", Travis called, knocking on the door. "Well if it isn't my little brother Travvy", Jason joked, being pushed out of the way by his two youngest daughters Elliotte and Bennett. "Uncle Travvy!", they exclaimed in unison, going to his him. "Benny baby and Ellie!", Travis said with a grin, dropping Taylor's hand and scooping the two girls up, bringing them inside to throw them onto the couch. "Come on Gray", Taylor coaxed, picking the boy up and bringing him inside. "Daddy wuves them", Grayson said, a hurt look on his face. "Yes, but he loves you more but don't tell Bennett and Elliotte that", Taylor assured, poking the little boy's tummy, causing Grayson to giggle. 

"How are you feeling, Taylor?", asked Kylie as the two couples sat on the couch after dinner. "I'm doing alright", Taylor answered, moving closer to Travis as he draped his arm around her. "Well, actually...", Travis began but was cut off by being elbowed in the ribs by Taylor. "Ouch", Travis complained, rubbing the area he was shoved in. "Well, try having a baby kick you rapidity in the ribs while you're trying to sleep if you think that hurts", said Taylor. Kylie laughed, understanding what she meant. But Travis looked confused. "But I thought baby kicks didn't hurt". Taylor and Kylie burst out laughing. "Oh, I wish. They get intense. But I will say, girlie's kicks are way easier to manage than Grayson's were, that's for sure", Taylor said, laying her head on Travis's shoulder, him kissing her head. 

Small footsteps sounded from nearby, revealing a little dirty blonde boy wearing a tiara and a pink tutu. The adults held in laughter as he went up to his dad, climbing onto his lap while Travis kept his arm around Taylor. "What do you have on there, bud", Travis asked, holding in laughter but his eyes were laughing for him. "Tan you help me take this off. Ewwie and Benny put it on me", the little boy complained, lifting his arms up for his dad to take the tutu off. "Here, you stand up and I help pull the skirt off", Travis suggested, putting the boy down and sliding the tutu off to reveal the stylish look his mom picked out for him.

 "Here, you stand up and I help pull the skirt off", Travis suggested, putting the boy down and sliding the tutu off to reveal the stylish look his mom picked out for him

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"Little mans got the drip, what can I say?", Travis asked proudly. "Trav, I picked out his outfit today. Give me some credit", Taylor chimed in. "True, she did pick out Gray's outfit so I'll give her some credit", Travis said, causing Taylor to roll her eyes and laugh.

"Grayson!", called Bennett, running up the stairs. "No", Grayson said before they could say any more, taking off the tiara and throwing it. "Kid's got an arm", Jason complimented, Travis nodding in agreement. "He does", Travis said. "Gray, go play with your cousins", Taylor said. "But, Mommy, they're going to make me play dress up again", he whined. "Girls, stop dressing your cousin up against his will", Kylie told her daughters. "Ok, mom", they said, agreeing to let Grayson to pick the game. "Oh no, not a good idea", Travis and Taylor advised. "Oh, come on, it'll be fine", Jason argued, shoeing the kids downstairs. 

"Ok, What do you want to play?", Elliotte asked reluctantly. "MONSTERTRUCKS",  yelled Grayson, loud enough for the adults to hear. "Told ya", Travis and Taylor said at the same time. 

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