Hey be nice!!

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(Sorry for the Long wait Guys!! My bad, Any whosen here's the next Chappy enjoy!!! Btw A little Hating on April and Casey, Please don't hate!!)

Cinni's Pov   

This has been the best three days ever!!!After my anniversary the guys helped me and the girls to clean out a closet that is by Donnie's lab, it's in the farthest corner of the lair. I was really far from everybody but I guess that was okay, cause now I could open doors.

Once it was all cleaned out, the guys moved a tall bed pillow thing called a mattress in there. The mattress took up most of the room but I was still able to fit in a long box called a hope chest, it held the clothes that the girls had given me! 

Raph had given me a black pillow he had; and while cleaning the closet Donnie and Leo found me big fluffy quilts that were now on my bed. Nari had tried to teach me how to make my mattress but gave up after the fifth time. I didn't get why I had to make the mattress, I was just going to sleep in it again? Weird human habits.

After my anniversary Mona, Venus and Nari had one whole day of making me try different clothes and which ever ones fit or looked sexy, which Mona told me means really good, I kept and put in the hope chest that the guys had found for me. 

The second day was just calming down and resting. Master Splinter told me that they were all taking a break from training and that we were all suppose to relax today. So I stayed in the dojo with him all day, asking him questions and just talking. He was very patient with me so, I decided to be patient with him and let him meditate, which still scared me.

The third day was a day of just hanging out with the family, they went on a very short patrol, which made me happier cause that meant more time with me!! I played/fought with Raph, Mona and Venus in the morning, we did what was called team battle. Me and Mona V.S Raph and Venus. That was pretty cool and I learned a lot of new things and fighting moves. After that I hung around Donnie. He helped me with new words and meanings while I got him tools and helped with smaller silver boxes.

After Donnie I went to the Dojo and found Leo. I asked him about the new words Donnie had told me and then I sat with him while he meditated. I had to be quiet when he did this, so I would lay in the sun spot while watching him, making sure he was still alive. I still didn't like the fact that he, Venus and Master Splinter would just sit and not move for large amounts of time by themselves. I tried not to leave them alone when they did this.

Nari came and got me after a while and started to teach me about fashion and basic everyday things; like brushing my hair and teeth with two different brushes. When I had perfected the braid I hung out with Mikey for the rest of the time until they went on patrol.  And I stayed home in the stuffy, pressuring, boring HOT lair. Donnie found out how hot I was and made me a machine that made wind, he called it a fan.

They all brought home pizza, and told me about good man, we ate dinner at the table and told jokes after that. I loved my family, they were so fun and close. I felt like I had a pack again, I didn't realize how much I had missed having a pack until now. I fell asleep happy that night, curled up in my mattress and a smile on my face.


 Mikey's Pov

I woke up and stumbled out of my room, trying to tie my mask on as I rubbed sleep from my eyes. Today was Nari's turn to cook so I got to sleep in, which was way nice!! I came down the stairs and saw everyone but Donnie (who was probably already in his lab like usual), Master Splinter (He didn't really eat breakfast anyways) and Cinni. 

I frowned at that, Cinni was usually the one who was always up first. That cute nose of her's could always smell the food and woke her up.  Nari smiled at me, "Good morning Mikey!"

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