Cinni Sorry

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(Here's a Sad chapter, kind of hard and Well I'm just going to let you read it and Find Out, Here you go!!)

(Cinni Pov)

It has been a week since I was changed, they all helped me learn how to get around and how to talk better. Venus had even found me a new top she said it was a tank top, I was a deep green color and had only one thick sleeve, but I liked it. We tried pants too but those didn't feel good at all!

At first everything was okay, but then I just felt bad, like I was a problem an issue. The guys would get upset easily and soon the lessons and help diminished down to very little. Nari was the only one that was still patient with me but I think it was more of . . . Pity.

The worst part was that Mikey was avoiding me! I don't know what I had done but I hated it, He would give me small answers and then just not talk to me. He always talked to me when I was a dog! Maybe that is what was wrong, I was a better Cinni as a dog.

That thought made me very sad, Mona said I looked depressed but didn't really ask about it. I tried very hard to be the new Cinni, I even did my new hair in what Don and Nari called a ponytail. To be part human was alot harder then I thought it would be, I didn't do too much of what I used to do like sniff out new smells or walk on fours. Now I walked upright and I could still smell just as good but I just didn't have to urge to seek it out.

I looked around after dinner and decide to go and try training. I sighed as I walked towards the dojo where Raph and Mona were, they were teaching me how to fight. I missed the city above but the guys and girl all said that I had to be able to defend myself before I could go again. I just think they didn't want me along again since I was such a proble now.

I was about to go in when Mona stormed out huffing, I moved out of the way as she went passed. Her anger was all around her body like a dark cloud making my ears go back even further as I flinched away from her tail. I cautiously went in the dojo and the same dark anger was coming off of Raph as well, He was beating up a punching dummy.

"Not today Cinni, Get out of my face!" I got out of there swiftly and closed the door hearing him beat the bag mercilessly until it broke. I trembled from the encounter and decided that maybe I could practice talking with Don and Venus. I walked to the lab and peaked inside. Don was consintrating hard on something and Venus was next to him passing him tools.

"Hello?" they didn't answer, "Don? Venus?" They still didn't move but their heartbeats did, so I knew that they had heard me. I bowed my head they didn't want me in their way I guess, "Okay, Bye." I closed the door and looked around for something to do. Nari and Leo were having a date, an activity that Girlfriend and Boyfriends' do. The only one around was Mikey.

Over by the T.v. was Mikey playing a game. Maybe I could watch him do that, and maybe he would talk to me again!? I have tried talking to him all day but he just wouldn't talk back, Maybe it was how I talked? I know I wasn't very good but I was getting it, slowly.

I went over and sat by Mikey, I saw him go stiff and move away. My heart started to hurt, I felt like crying but held it back. "How play this game? Mikey?" He gave me a quick glance.

"Well it's a ghost game called Luigi's Mansion." (I do not Own this Game!)

"Ghost?" That was a fun word to say, "Mikey mean the strange, mean, color people?" He just nodded and used his little character to catch another ghost. I waited for him to explain more like he usually did with the others but he didn't. I tried once more, "Luigi is Mikey?" I looked to him but he didn't even look at me, he just nodded.

I felt my heart brake as my thought and feelings were now proven, I wasn't needed or wanted anymore. My family who were the first people I was able to trust again didn't want me anymore. I felt hard pain in my heart, and it shattered like someone throwing a rock at a colored window. I was broken again.

I got up and walked away as far as I could and ended up outside Master Splinters blurry door, If he didn't want me either then I would leave. I opened the door and he wasn't in there, my ears twitched as I heard his voice coming from the dojo. Raph walked out of the dojo and towards his room, I walked softly in the dojo when Raph had turned the corner, He didn't even see me.

Master Splinter was looking at a pile of fabric and stuffing that used to be a punching bag, his back was to me. He turned around and his eyes went wide, "Cinnamon?! What is wrong child?!" I realized then why my vision was blurry as the tears fell down my face. Master Splinter took a step foreward and opened his arms. I squeezed my eyes shut and ran into his embrace, he still wanted me!

I cried into his robe, Master Splinter held me close and just hugged me. I felt happy and terrible at the same time, I didn't know what to do so I just cried. I don't know how long we stayed like that but when my tear started to slow down, Master Splinter started to talk still holding me.

"Cinnamon, child please tell me, what has happened to make you so sad? I have seen you this week and you have been so sad your usual glow has gone? what has happened?"

I took a breathe and looked up at him before hugging him again, "Family no like Cinni no more. Cinni is problem, bad. Cinni no help, change made human Cinni bad. Mikey, Leo, Raph, Don, Mona, Venus no care. Nari pity Cinni. Love gone no come back. Family sad, Cinni stay here. Cinni leave, Family happy. Cinni leave." New fresh tears came casscading down I barried myself more into his frame. "Cinni mutt! Cinni worthless, flea bag! Cinni dirty! Cinni ugly, in way! Cinni stupid! Humans right Cinni BAD!"

Splinter pushed me away and shook me hard, "Cinnamon Stop That Right Now!" I took a shuttering breathe and and stared at him wide eyed. He glared down at me. But what startled me was his own set of fresh tears . "You are not any one of those things! You are special and wanted more then you could know. Cinnamon don't you realize just how important you are to this family? You are loyal and kind, you protect others before yourself, even complete strangers to you you still protect. How amazing you are, and oh how much potential you have."

I watched him talk and saw his face lighten up with the truth of his words, His heart was steady and strong adding to them words, "I have watched you this week and you have excelled so much in that time, more then most would've. You are so important to each and every one of us. Cinnamon, you are special, kind, loyal, a protector, a sister. You are divine, of much worth; You have Integriy and a wonder."

He wrapped his arms around me again, "We wouldn't be happy at all if you left us, Cinni you are part of this family. I am so sorry you had to feel like that for so long, I wish I had helped you earlier, I am sorry."

I felt my heart start to go back together, still not whole but no longer broken, I hugged Master Splinter back, "Thank Master Splinter."

When we pulled away Splinter said he would walk me back to the couch for bed. I didn't feel good about seeing the guys so I asked him if I could sleep in the Dojo. Splinter gave me a sad smile and helped me make a small bed. He looked down at me and pulled a quilt over me, "Cinnamon I am so glad that you are a part of our family."

I gave him a small smile, "Cinni no leave. Cinni stay?"

"For as long as you want! Good night Cinnamon."

"Good night Master Splinter." And with that I fell asleep and met my first nightmare.

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