Chapter 17

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It's been almost a month since my father's death, the funeral was this Sunday. I could tell my mother wasn't ready because ever since we gotten to Nanas she's been locked up in her room. My sister on the other hand seemed to be fine.

I went to the kitchen and saw Nana and Victoria cooking breakfast together. I looked back at my mom's room, "..Has she left at all yesterday?" I asked. My nana said, "No..Why don't you go bring her plate to her? I'm sure that'll make her happy!" I grabbed her plate and went to her bedroom, "..Mom?" I said as i walked inside. She was facing the window. I walked over to her and placed her plate on the nightstand. "..Mom, please come out of here. We're all worried about you." I said to her. She looked at me and said, "..I miss him so much.  Your father was a very good man to me. Before you two were born He was so sweet. He used to buy me flowers everyday back in high school, and never failed to make me smiled." I watched as my mom talked about him, it made me sad. I regret all of the things i said to him and if i could take it back, i most definitely would. She sat up and smiled at me, "..I wish he would've shown that side of him to you girls.." "it's fine mom, we were able to see him at his best and worst. Please try to eat and move around a bit though.." i said to her. She nodded and grabbed the plate and began to eat. I hope my father's death doesn't affect her as much as it already has.

Then, Sunday came along. When we walked in the church it was mostly filled with dad's family and his friends. I knew that Dad's family didn't like us. We took a seat in the front row, "I hope your oldest know that it's a sin to have piercing and tattoos." My aunt from my dad's side of the family said. My mother stopped my sister before she could say anything, "It's your brother funeral today Patty. The least you could do is not act like a total bitch for once in your miserable life." She said to her. Me and Victoria were shocked, We have never heard mom talk like that to anyone. Even Patty was stunned.

The funeral was Good. I didn't expect to see my sister cry but she did. After that we all decided to go out for ice cream. "..So mom, what do you plan on doing now is gone?" Victoria asked. I was curious as well. She smiled at us and said, "..I dunno. I might travel or something, we always wanted to do that together." "..Well since i turn 18 next month, i'll be moving in with someone special but you'll have to wait to meet them." My sister said. "..If me and Alexis are still dating when we're 18 i hope we adopt a cat and live together!" I said. My mother looked at me, "I knew you two were dating!" We all laughed.

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