Chapter 9

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- This chapter will take place from Victoria's perspective-

I laid on my bed and ate my cereal. What is there to even talk about? She said what she said and that's it. Out of everyone in this house I'd think that Melissa would be happy for me but No. She's selfish. She wants me to stay here so that i can continue taking all the pressure while she lives her happy perfect life. Fuck all of them. I put my bowl down and went to the closet and grabbed a box, To be more specific it's called my box of horrors. It's just a box filled with old things but i like the name. I opened it and just stared at everything. Inside the box was old razors, bracelets, photos, and a bunch of other shit. What really caught my eyes was a bag of weed that was stuffed inside of a sock, I'm surprised i didn't smoke it back then. I was finally sober and i knew if i smoked this i would return to the old me but i needed a distraction. So i smoked it.

Do i regret my decision? No and yes but i felt like a fucking bird. I missed this feeling. I laid on the floor and laughed as i looked at the ceiling. Melissa walked in and stood over me, "You're high aren't you." She asked me. I laughed at her, she's always so silly and uptight. "..Dad was right. There really is no way of saving you." She said as she left my room slamming the door. I grabbed my phone and blasted music, I was not about to let her fuck up my high.

I later woke up after i crashed earlier. I checked my phone and saw that Cole had texted me, i went to go see what it said and i was heartbroken. The message said; I'm sorry to tell you this Vic but i won't be able to see you anymore. I just found out that i have to leave again, i don't know when i'll be back this time but i promise i'll make sure to call and check up on you. I screamed and threw my phone at the wall. Why?! Why would he show up then leave all of a sudden again!? I was mad and upset so i began breaking anything that i could.

After i was out of breath i sat on the floor and cried. My mother opened the door and walked to me and got on her knees, "..Victoria.." She held me close to her and rubbed my back. I cried out, "He left again! H-He told me yesterday that he wanted me to live with him and now he's gone! My only fucking father figure is gone!" It felt weird crying to my mom like this but at the same time it was comforting. It felt like whenever it was just the three of us.

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