Chapter 10

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- This chapter will be back to Melissa perspective -

Me and my dad stood there watching My mom comfort Victoria as she cried. My father rolled his eyes and went back to his room while i just stayed and watched. I didn't feel anything for Victoria, she should've known that this would've happened. My mom brushed the stuff that was on her bed off onto the floor and laid Victoria down. Why was she being so nice to her? My mom brushed Victoria hair out of her face and said, "Get some rest dear, then let's talk in the morning okay?" Victoria nodded and my mother left closing the door behind her.

"Why were you acting like that towards her?" I asked my mom. "Because i can tell that this is really affecting your sister. I made a lot of mistakes in the past but now i want to do what's right for her." She replied. I couldn't help but laugh, "Oh so after all these years you want to help her? AFTER ALL THE YELLING, SCREAMING AND ARGUING YOU CHOOSE TO HELP NOW!?! Un-fucking-believable." "What has gotten into you Melissa?! You have never spoken to me like this!" My mother said to me. "You, Dad, and Victoria can all kiss my ass. You three are all so fucked up I PRAY, That i am adopted because wow." I said to my mom then i went to my room. I never spoken to my mom like that before but it felt good. I felt like i could do anything. I grabbed my phone and called alexis, "Hey girl, Wanna do some crazy shit?" She replied, "Duh! But it'll have to wait till tomorrow." I laughed, "No it doesn't. Sneak out and meet me at the park in 20." I hung up and put on some jeans and a tank top. I felt like a badass.

A few minutes went by and me and alexis arrived at the park. "Okay, Who are you and what have you done with my best friend?" Alexis said to me. I smiled at her and said, "It's time things have changed. We'll be 16 soon which means we need to mature! So tonight we're gonna go to a party and get fucked up!" Surprisingly Alexis agreed and i told her the address of a party nearby and began walking towards it.

Once we arrived at the party it was awesome, there was people dancing and music blasting. It looked like all high school parties in movies! Before i could say anything to Alexis she was already off joining a drinking game. So i walked away and began finding something to do. It took me less than an hour to get high, then i got drunk, and it was kinda a back and forth thing.

It was the next day and i woke up in pain, i looked around and noticed i was not in my room. I got out of the bed and looked in the mirror, I had my belly button pierced and the ends of my hair were dyed pink. I left the room i was in and headed downstairs, i must've crashed in someone's bedroom after being wasted and stuff. I looked around to see if alexis was here but she wasn't, so i left. On the walk home i tried to recall anything that i could but my mind went blank, i looked at my phone and saw a bunch of calls and messages from my family. "Ugh, why keep calling after the 4th time."

I entered the house and my sister came to me, "What the hell Melissa?! We were all worried about you!" I rolled my eyes and walked past her, "Can you stop yelling? My head hurts." She grabbed me by my arm and turned me around, "What the hell happened to your hair and did you even get this pierced correctly?! It looks infected!" I groaned and slapped her arm away and shouted, "Oh my gosh!! You sound like mom." "I sound like mom? You're the one who left in the middle of the night and came back looking like..This!" She replied. "How about you just go back to having depression or whatever it is you had. You were less talkative." I told her then i slammed my door shut.

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