Chapter 5

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- This chapter is from the perspective of Victoria -

3 years ago.

I left the house without looking back. I saw a black car waiting for me, I knew my parents were sending me to a mental hospital but i didn't think i belong there. So, i ran away. I just kept running until i couldn't run anymore. Eventually i found myself out of breath in the middle of the woods alone. A dog came to me and began barking and licking my face. "Sal! You can't just run up to random strangers!" I heard someone say from afar, once the person got close i realized that it was a man. His name was Cole, he offered me a cup of tea and i agreed. He had a beautiful Cabin, it was nice, warm and loving. He placed a cup of tea in front of me and sat down, "So, Tell me what is a little girl like you doing out here in the woods?" I took a sip of the tea and said, "Well..I was supposed to be going to a mental hospital but i ran away instead." He looked at me with sympathy in his eyes, "Oh you poor thing. How about this, i'll let you stay here for however long you need." He said as he smiled at me. I was a little skeptical about it but i trusted him so i agreed.

At least 5 months went by and i've gotten a lot more comfortable around Cole especially whenever he lets me come with him to go fishing. Cole felt like the dad i always wanted,
if i did something wrong he wouldn't yell at me he'd teach me step by step.

I came rushing into the cabin, "Cole! Cole! Look I-" As excited as i was to tell him about the news i saw he was putting things in boxes. "What's going on? Are you painting or something?" i asked. "Uh no, Vic i'm..I'm moving away." he replied. "..Well i can come with you right?" i asked. He looked away and shook his head, "I'm going overseas." I walked to him, "..cole. please don't leave me. y-you're like a father to me and you taught me so many new things!" i said as i teared up. He pulled me in and hugged me, "It's hard for me too. You were like a daughter to me Victoria but I have to go help my mother but please don't ever think i left because of you." he then got on his knees and wiped my tears, "You brought life to this cabin. I will always love you like you're my daughter." He said as he smiled at me. He then stood up and said that he knew somewhere that i could go for a while.

On the ride there it was very depressing. Once we arrived there he smiled at me and said, "See you later vic." I looked at him with tears in my eyes and said, "..goodbye cole." then i got out the car and got my backpack and then he drove away.

After that it was a constant loop, I'd find somewhere to stay and in less than 6 months they all got rid of me. Eventually i just decided to become homeless, Some nights id be so scared of falling asleep that i would just walk around.

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