Chapter 14

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-This chapter will be from Victorias perspective-

At least a week has passed since what happened between me and Max and he still hasn't even called or texted. Whatever, i don't care about him. I tried to do anything that could distract my mind from him.

"Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom" i kept repeating as i poked my mom. "Victoria, you're aggravating me." She said to me. "I'm bored!! There's nothing to do with Mel being gone!" I told her. "How about you go out and get a job? That'll keep you busy." she said as she stood up and walked away. I actually haven't had a job ever since i was living with max, i guess i should start working again. I left the house and got in my car and drove around looking for somewhere.

It was hours and i still couldn't find a place until it hit me, Why not just work at that restaurant! Why didn't i think of that before?! I drove straight there. Surprisingly when i asked if they were hiring they said yes and actually interviewed me on the spot. They said that everything seemed fine and i was able to work there. When i got home and told my mom she was very happy, she told me i should tell my father as well but why should i? He'll find out i'm working eventually.

Few days later i was excited to get to work, only because now i didn't have to be bored. I was actually pretty good at it too, I was fast and memorized most people's orders. Just as my day was going so well the last person i ever wanted to see walked in. I looked at him, "..Hello,How many is in your party." It was terrible, he was eating alone and i had to be his waiter. As he ordered he didn't even look at me once. Before i went to go give his order to the chef  i asked, "So, you're not going to say anything?" He sighed, "Let's not talk about anything out in public. If you really want to talk come to my place at six." I took a deep breath and tried to remain calm, i didn't want to let him ruin my day. So i finished serving him until he left, it was so awkward.

After work it was already 5:50 so i got in my car and drove over to Max's place. I know i shouldn't be going but i just need answers. I need to know what's going to happen between us. Once i arrive at his house i saw he was already there, i was a bit hesitant but i pushed through.

I got out the car and knocked on the door. A beautiful women opened the door, "Can i help you?" "..Uhh i'm sorry i must be at the wrong house, i'm looking for max." I said to the women. "No you're at the right house! Babe, someone's here for you!" The women said as she walked away to the kitchen. Babe? He never said he had a girlfriend. Max came to the door, "uh hey." I started shaking a bit and i felt like crying, "..I think i left my charger here. i just came to see if it was still here." He shook his head, "Nope, i don't think you did." "alright well then bye." i said as i quickly walked to my car and got in.

Once i arrived home i went to my room, i tried my hardest to stay calm. I played music and laid down in my bed, "It's okay..You'll be okay.." is what i kept repeating to myself. Eventually i fell asleep.

Around 2 Am, i heard someone knocking on my window. I went to go open it and there was max standing there, "..What do you want?" i asked him. He stumbled over and said, "Can..Can i spend the nighttt? I lost my car!" He was clearly drunk and frankly i didn't want to have anything to do with him but i couldn't just leave him outside. So i left him in through my window. "Thankss" He said as he laid on the floor. I sat down beside him and asked, "..Was that girl your girlfriend?" He chuckled and said, "Nahhhhh, that's my coworker. She just likes calling me babe." I laid next to him and look up at him, "..So, did you really mean what you said about what happened?" He looked at me and pulled me closer to him, "No, i did have a good time with you Vic but you're underage and it just felt weird to mee." I wrapped my arms around him and ran my fingers through his hair, "Do you think we can keep doing things like this? As long as we keep it a secret." I asked him. He hesitated for a moment but then agreed and he kissed my cheek. I was happy that we made up, as long as we keep it a secret for a few months everything will be okay.

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