Chapter 16

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-This chapter will be from Melissa perspective -

"Your sister should be here soon!" My mom said. "Mom it's fine really, I only came home from vacation!" I said to her. My sister finally arrived. "Where have you been Victoria?! We've all been waiting for so long!" My mom asked her. "Relax, I was just at a friends house." She replied. My mom grabbed her face, "You're high aren't you. You said that you were going to stop!" Victoria moved my mother hands and looked at me, "Hey Mel! How was the trip?" I smiled, "It was good, i'll tell you about it later." My mother glared at Victoria then looked at me, "I ordered your favorite meal so go ahead and get washed up for dinner." I nodded and went to the bathroom, as soon as i closed the door i heard my mom yelling at victoria but this time it was more of a worried yell. Victoria did tell us that she was going to quit smoking but she never does. "Whoever this friend that you keep seeing is bad for you. You need to stop seeing them." I heard my mother say. "Like hell i will. Stop overreacting mom." My sister replied. "..I'm just worried about you Vic. I don't want the same thing to happen like that one night." My mother said. After that it went quiet, i tried to think about what my mom was referring to and the only thing i could think of was that night where Vic was brought home by a police officer and she was all pale and stuff. Now that i think about it, i never actually knew what happened that night.

After i took a shower i went to the kitchen table and sat down, "Where's Vic? Did she fall asleep already?" I asked as i began eating. My mother nodded, "Sweetheart do you know about any of her friends?" I shook my head. The only people i knew about was Cole and Max, which she hasn't told me anything else about either one of them. "I think we should send her to rehab." My father said. "She's not going to go willingly  Todd. Besides we're all on good terms now, i don't want to ruin this." My mom told my father. He scoffed, "Good terms? She treats me like i'm a stranger." I mumbled, "Maybe because you're an asshole to her." My father looked at me and asked, "What did you say?" I didn't reply back. He stood up, "What the hell did you say Melissa." "I said maybe it's because you're an asshole to her." I shouted. I watched at how he clenched his fist, He went to grab his car keys and left the house slamming the door. Me and my mother just looked at each other and finished dinner in silence.

Later that night around 12 Am, i was awaken by the sound of broken glass. I got out of my bed and left my room to go see what it was. To my surprise it was my father on the floor drunk. He got up and looked at me, "..which one are you?" I looked at him, "Melissa. Your youngest daughter." He walked to me and said, "You remind me so much of your mother." He then gave me a hug. I didn't really know what to do right now, "..Dad you need to go to bed." I said to him. He left go of me and smiled at me with tears in his eyes, "I need to go to the bathroom first, I love you sweetheart." He told me as he walked to the bathroom closing the door. I looked at the bathroom door then i heard a gun shot. I began shaking a bit and i walked to the bathroom praying that he didn't do what i think he did. I opened the bathroom door and screamed loudly and fell back. My mom and sister came running to me and gasped. "..Victoria, Call the police." My mother said as she stood there looking inside the bathroom. My sister took out her phone and called the police. I started crying, my mother got on her knees and held me close to her "..Shhh..It's okay sweetheart.." She said as she started crying as well.

Later the police and ambulance arrived. The officers were asking my mother questions and me and my sister sat on the sidewalk. "..You said that right before it happened you and him were talking, right?" My sister asked. I nodded, "..we weren't talking about anything important but he said he needed to use the bathroom and that he loved me. When he said that he had tears in his eyes. Something told me i shouldn't have let him gone in there..i-it's my fault that he's dead." I said to her. She looked at me and said, "..It's not your fault Mel." Our mom walked over to us, "The police said for the time being we should stay somewhere else. I called Nana and asked if we could stay with her and she said that's fine." Victoria stood up and said, "I think i'm gonna stay with my friend instead." My mother glared at her and said, "No you're not. You are coming with us." I looked at Victoria and it seemed like she wanted to argue back but she knew now wasn't a good time so she agreed to go along.

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