Chapter 13

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- This chapter will be from Victoria perspective -

Weeks went by and everything was actually good. Mel went on vacation with Alexis and her family, i'm happy that she didn't tell our parents about them two dating. I was super bored so i decided to leave the house and go out for a bit. Walking around brought back a lot of memories, like whenever i used to sleep on a bench. I stopped walking and stood in front of a restaurant, but it wasn't just any restaurant. It was the restaurant that Max took me to in my 15th birthday. I hadn't been here in forever. I walked inside and smiled, it looked the exactly same. I decided to stay and get something to eat. Once i got to my table i looked at the menu and ordered the same meal that i got that day.

At least an hour went by and just as i was getting ready to leave a man with blue hair walked in, i gasped loudly and ran to the bathroom. That had to be Max, literally nobody else has blue hair! My heart was racing and i didn't know what to do. I hoped that he maybe just forgot about me so i took a deep breath and walked out the bathroom right when i thought i was good i heard him say, "Victoria? Is that you?" Damnit. It's not that i didn't want to see him, i was scared that he would look at me different and would stop being friends with me. I turned around and walked to him, "..Hi! it's been a while!" He chuckled and looked at me, "You look so beautiful. How have you been?" I'll admit when he called me beautiful i did blush but only a little bit. I sat down at his table, "Uh i've been good actually. Me and my family are on good terms now so there's that" He smiled at me as i talked. "Why do you keep smiling at me?" i asked him. "because i've been out of jail for 6 months and i'm only just now seeing you, plus i'm happy to hear that you're doing better." He replied. We laughed and talked, before we knew it was time for the restaurant to close. "Wanna come back to my place and chill for a bit? As long as that's okay with your parents!" He said to me. I smiled at him and said, "i'm sure they won't mind."

Later we arrived at his place, it was very nice. "Alright i got weed or alcohol, pick your poison." He said to me. I laughed, "You're very corny. Let's do alcohol!"

It didn't take us long to get wasted. We were playing just dance, "okay okay so i dip-no you dip me!" he said to me as we laughed trying to do the dance. We ended up falling over onto each other, we laughed it off but then out of nowhere he kissed me. i was surprised but at the same time i didn't want to pull away. Next thing i knew, we were in his bedroom having sex.

After that i blacked out drunk, but when i woke up and saw his facial expression i could tell that he regretted it. i sat up and stretched, "What's wrong with you?" He looked away from me and said, "You need to go Victoria." I looked at him, "What, why!?" Is this because of last night!?" He got out of bed and shouted, "No duh! I'm 20 you're 17. I could get arrested." "I turn 18 in September Max. It doesn't matter as long as we just keep this a secret!" I replied. He took and deep breath, "..just get out of my house vic. i need time to think." I looked away from him and said, "I thought you enjoyed it as well." "Enjoyed it? Vic i was drunk. I wouldn't have gone this far if i was sober." he replied. Him saying that broke my heart a little, i got out of bed and put my clothes on. "Fuck you Max." I then left his bedroom. He followed me and said, "Vic it's raining outside. Let me drive you home." I shouted, "I'll be fine." then left his house. That asshole, 'i wouldn't have gone this far if i was sober' bullshit. fucking bullshit.

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