Chapter 11

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- This chapter will be from Victoria perspective-

..Less talkative? Who did she think she was.
I opened her bedroom and walked to her. "Do you not know wh-" before i let her say another word i slapped her. "I know you think that you're probably hot shit right now but i promise you Mel, If you keep going down this path you're going to end up just like me. Maybe even worse." I told her. "I love you Mel and i'm sorry if i caused you so much trouble but i'm trying to change. I really am. It kills me seeing you act like this Mel." I started to tear up, looking at my sister was like looking into a mirror. She looked away from me and didn't say anything. "..Whenever you're ready to talk just let me know or you could even talk to mom. She's a great listener." I told her then i left her room. I hope my words got through to her, If my sister ever turned out like me i wouldn't know what to do. I went to the living room and laid on the couch as i looked at an old photo of me and max. "..I miss you so much." i said as tears came down my face.

For the rest of the day Mel just stayed in her room. We invited Alexis over and i tried to hear what they were talking about but they had the music to where i couldn't hear them. I wonder what they were talking about.

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