Chapter 1

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Y/N pov:

"You look amazing in green"

A voice whispered in my ear as I was trying to stay focused on my drink to stop the room from spinning.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not interested" as I shouted in the general direction

"But darling, you haven't even looked"

My body reacted to the way he spoke in my ear, my neck started to tingle, and the drunk feeling suddenly went away as I was crashed down to reality.
As I worked up the courage to turn around, I was holding onto the bar in front of me and slowly turned on the bar stool.
I was looking down at the floor slowly, making my way up his body.
He was wearing black boots with skinny ripped jeans and a white t-shirt.
His hair was brown and curly, with some hanging over those big brown eyes that looked at me with no emotion.

"Like what you see?"
He asked, curiosity rising his eyebrows at me.

"Don't flatter yourself toots."
I responded, but I don't know why this person has got me all flustered. I never act this way with guys.

"Ah, got myself a fiesty one. What's your name?"

"Oh, and belittlering me isn't going to make me drop my pants for you. And you don't need to know my name. I won't be here long enough for you to remember"

"Is that a challenge?" He said, looking at me with a half grin and those eyes that stared into my soul.

"Play that game all you want, but I'm here with my friend, and I've got to find her before she makes any decisions."

I was with a high school friend as I was joining a new school in the morning. This was a goodbye in a way.

"Oh, the brunette with the blue dress on?"
He said with more of a grin on his face

As soon as he said that my face must have dropped, this girl was more of a liability than me. And that's saying something.

"That's the one... but how do you know that?"

"Oh cause, she has already left with my mate. She mentioned something along the lines of my *air quote* very sexy and very single best friend *air quote* is sitting at the bar can you tell her that I've gone to have fun and good luck"

"Well fuck" I muttered under my breath her parents are definitely going to hate me now as I promised them she will be home before 1 am. But who cares I'm starting a new school tomorrow.

"So now that your all alone. Would you like the have some fun?"
He said this in a calm yet seductive tone of voice as he slides a shot towards you.

I looked him up and down. Grabbed the shot and downed it.

"Fuck it let's get out of here" as I quickly got up grabbed his hand and rushed out of the bars doors.

*Next morning*

As the sunrise hits my face, I slowly looked over at the clock
Shit! I'm meant to be leaving my house at 7 am to go to my new school and I have no idea where I am!
I looked to the boy that was lying naked next to me his messy curles that had been pulled from all the activities to his perfect chiseled jawline and we won't even start to talk about that body.

I slowly climbed over him trying not to wake him, I tip toed to get dressed slipping on my green skintight dress and black heels. I looked in the mirror to try and sort out my hair and retouched my make up.
I was heading to turn the doorknob when a very husky voice caught my attention.

"Going without a goodbye kiss"

God why did his husky morning voice sound so god damn sexy.

I huffed and turned in his direction.

Betrayal - Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now