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Raelyn felt better after three days when she was out of her period.

She took a long bathe and found a pastel dress to wear before going outside.

"Aylin" she called. "Where have you been?"

"I was at the kitchen with Lia, making breakfast for you and your prince"


"Did you know he said he was gonna..." Aylin stopped abruptly when she remembered that he had instructed her not to let Raelyn know, she tried to look for words to complete her sentences. "Do you know he said he would... he would...Um..."

"I said I'll teach you how to keep secrets" she heard Darian's voice.

"Good morning Your Majesty" Aylin greeted.

"Good morning Miss Aylin"

Raelyn looked at the both of them. "You both can start your lesson" she said as she walked away. "I have better things to do than to listen"

Raelyn left because she had promised to make tea for Darian this morning, she wanted to make it herself since it would be her first time making a tea.

After Raelyn left, Aylin turned to look at Darian.

"I'm really sorry, I just forgot..."

"It's fine" he interrupted. "You can tell her to teach you how to keep secrets"

"So have you found him?" She asked.

"I've received not anything from my men, but I hope they do before the month end" he answered.

"Wait! What? The month ends?" Aylin asked, surprised.

"Yeah, were you expecting them to find him within two weeks?" He asked.

"Two days" she answered.

Darian laughed. "That's too small, you should've thought about one day" he said and they both laughed.

After breakfast, Darian went to the study to read. He had being curious about the period thingy that Raelyn told him about, and he was determined to know more about it.

Darian was yet to begin reading when the Butler knocked the door. "Your Majesty" he bowed as soon as he stepped in.

"Yes" he looked at him.

"Her Highness is here" he bowed.

"Darian" Indeed, he heard the voice of his mother.

The butler walked out of the study.

Darian stood up from his chair, he took a look at his mother, wondering why she came.

She was wearing an orange-colored dress with long sleeves, her hair was perfectly styled and her crown glowed.

She stood in front of him. "Darian" she placed her right hand on his right cheek. "I've wronged you..." She began. "Ever since you left, I've being having nightmares and I'm not alright Darian... I'm sorry" she took his hands. "Mother begs for your forgiveness... I know I've hurt you very much, but you're my son." She continued. "I've missed you so much Darian, I missed your absence in the palace. Please forgive me my dear, I know I've been a bad mother, I've being selfish and dishonest, I just wish you forgive me" she looked at him.

"Mother," he called. "You didn't wrong me" he said.

"I didn't?" Leilani had a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

"You wronged..."

"Darian, I've made the tea!" Raelyn happily ran towards the study. "And I baked a bread too..." She added. "Can you believe I..."  Raelyn gasped when she saw his mother, the plates she was holding fell from her hands.

"Are you alright?" Leilani asked, walking towards her.

Raelyn shuddered in fear and took some steps back as the queen tried to touch her.

Leilani felt bad seeing the girl's reaction, she could hear Raelyn's heartbeat.

"I know that I've not being courteous towards you, I've being very wicked and vile to you, forgetting everything that I should've known" she paused and looked at Raelyn's face. "I know that it'd be difficult for me to ask for your forgiveness because I've planned evil for you from the onset, I treated you like a criminal, called you bad names and refused to listen to things related to you" she paused again. "But you're a female just like I am, we may be different in terms of characters and thoughts, but if you've ever thought about it, then you should know why I didn't like you at first. I'm truly sorry Miss Raelyn"

Raelyn didn't know why she began to cry, she never even knew when  a tear fell from her eyes.

She wiped her tears with her palm and tried to speak.

"I... It..was..all my... fault for appearing bad initially,... I should've.... Being more... I should've.. being.."

"It was my fault" Darian interrupted her calmly.

Raelyn looked at Darian, wondering what she should say next.

"I... understand your actions Your Majesty...no one wants a bad person in their family... I should've thought... about the consequences... but I was so..." Raelyn didn't know how to continue. "I was.."

"I should've listened to you" Leilani began. "I should've been happy that my son would be like others... I shouldn't have treated you like I did. I should've being glad that my daughter-in-law is a well-mannered princess and an epitome of beauty, and unlike others" she smiled and took Raelyn's hands. "I'm sorry, I know it's hard, but everyone has their own mistakes."

Raelyn smiled. "It's nothing your majesty." She bowed. "You don't have to apologize" she added.

"Really?" Leilani almost broke into tears.

Raelyn nodded in a smile.

"Oh my goodness!" Leilani enveloped her in a tight hug. "You really did forgive me?" She asked again.

Raelyn smiled. "Please don't cry" she wiped her tears.

"Darian, did you hear that?" She turned to him. "Your wife had forgiven me, I can't wait to share this news with your father, now I can sleep in peace finally"

Darian smiled, looking very happy.

He was glad that his mother accepted her mistakes, now he had no problem with her.

"Ah! Only heaven knows how I feel right now" Leilani beamed as she held Raelyn's hand. "What was I even thinking?"

"Mother, it's okay" Darian wouldn't like to hear about the past again.

"So Raelyn..."

"Can you tell me more about yourself? Why don't we go outside?"

"Of course Your Majesty"

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