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[Eight years ago]

After that hurting incident two years back, Darian was extra careful in everywhere he went.

After returning home victorious from the battlefield, he had spent almost all his days in his chambers alone.

Sometimes his mother visited if he allowed, other times, he preferred to stay on his own due to the fear of hurting her.

That morning, he prepared to leave the palace.

He wanted to visit the site where the construction of his palace was currently taking place.

Darian was dressed in a blue clothe, his blonde hair was left wavy, and it gleamed as though he applied gold oil on it.

Darian opened a white box kept inside the wardrobe, he sighed when he saw the white-colored masks stacked neatly inside the box.

He was tired of concealing his face with those all days, out of his entire belongings, he had the mask more.

He sighed again as he wore it before stepping out of the room with Travis by his side.

"Your Majesty, you left the..."

"I took it" Darian interrupted him.


They both went outside, were Travis already gotten the two horses ready.

They mounted the horses and rode out of the palace premises.


Darian always enjoyed following the bushy part towards his site to avoid coming across anyone on the way.

Meanwhile, as the Prince rode with his horse, a young girl in an apron dress with long black hair was returning from the farm.

She was carrying a basket full of fruits, and she walked vibrantly towards the way to her home.

She was yet to leave the bushy road when two horses rode past her as quick as air.

'Woah that was fast' she thought to herself. 'But what are they going to do there?' she wondered. 'That's not where they should be heading to. Are they thieves? Hmmm! I must follow them'

The girl began to run as fast as her two legs could carry her, she followed the footsteps of the two horses and ran as fast as she could.

When Darian and Travis arrived at the site, they climbed down their horses and began to take a look around the place.

Darian saw that the building was improving.

He only began making the plans for the palace a week back. With the kind of plan he had for this palace, it would take him two years to get it completed.

There were some parts of the palace which he had planned to build with his own magic.

He would want the staircase to be made out of glass, including some of the ceiling decorations, and that would all need his powers.

But there was still a long way to go, the construction only just begun.

"Your Majesty, I can't believe this palace is so big despite the fact that the construction only begun some days ago" Travis said in wonder.

Darian removed his mask and kept it inside his pocket.

"Your Majesty, perhaps we should get some people to clear all these bushes..."

"I like it this way Travis" Darian interrupted him as he walked around with his hands behind his back.

"Oh, you know your majesty, because of dangerous animals and evil people..."

Darian was getting pissed off because Travis was making him talk too much.

"Travis!" He called. "Are you perhaps in touch with one of those dangerous animals and evil people around here?" He asked expressionlessly.

"N...no.. your majesty" Travis know where the question was heading.

"Then mention them not!" He  ordered.

"Apologies Your Majesty" Travis bowed deeply. "It was only a suggestion"

Darian finally finished walking around the building, he then sat down on top of a small stone with Travis while he looked at a scroll on his hands.

"Oh so this is the plan for the palace your majesty?" Travis was amused. "How did you draw it? My prince is very talented" he smiled. Travis was the kind of person who can't do without talking.

Darian chuckled. "And I'll say My Friend is really a chatterbox"

They both laughed and continued to check out more photos on the scroll.

Meanwhile, the maid girl was surprised to see how big the place was, she could see that some works were currently going on there.

Her major priority was to see who had the heart to enter this land.

She could hear a few noises from behind, and she quickly walked towards the direction the noise was coming from.

When she got closer, she hid behind a tree and was waiting for a good time to step outside.

She decided to take a peek at who the person was.

And that was the most beautiful person she ever seen, this man had a pair of blue...


This man now has a pair of red eyes, he's holding a dagger and he stared at her evilly. He threw the dagger towards her and it entered her chest.

The lady fell down dead.

Darian wasn't aware of the girl who intruded because he paid full attention to the scroll, but he soon began to feel as though the world was spinning.

He handed the scroll to Travis and massaged his head.

"Is everything alright Your Majesty?" Travis worriedly asked.

The birthmark began to glow, and Darian eyes and hairs turned red.

"T...Travis, a lady had seen me" was the last word he managed to say before he passed out.

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