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Raelyn tried to control her tears as she held on tightly to the pillow, since she discovered that she was on her period, she had being feeling the sharp cramps.

When she was in her palace, her mother prepared a drink which she always took when she was feeling the pain, but she was gone and Raelyn knew not how to prepare the drink.

She continued to recall about all that had happened and how she would feel if she returned to Khaerolia without meeting her parents.

The thought about her parents, and the painful cramps worsened her mood, she decided to remain in her room all day.

When the door opened, she knew that it was Aylin.

They had not met since morning due to the fact that Aylin spent almost all her days with Cordelia.

They often went to town together.

"Hi Rae..." Aylin stopped as she saw the sad look on Raelyn's face.

"Hello Aylin"

"What happened to you?" Aylin asked in concern as she walked towards her. "You look dull and glum and..." Aylin scanned the pillow with her eyes. "You're holding this...! Ah! Do you know how to prepare the drink mother used to make for you?" She asked, after already guessing what was wrong with Raelyn.


"I'm following Cordelia to the Market, I'll get somethings to help you relieve the pain" Aylin told her.

"Good bye then."

Raelyn closed her eyes as Aylin walked out.

She knew that she would have to look dull until she gets better.

Whenever she took her mother's drink, she felt no more pain and that made her less moody.

Raelyn remained on the bed, thinking about the past and crying at the same time.

'I wish you're alive mother,' she said with her. 'I curse and curse and will always curse the person who separated us so badly. I'll make sure he dies terribly. But just try to come back with father please mother. In...'  Raelyn felt a cold hand touching her, she was startled for a second.

"Darian, when... Did you come in?" She asked him.

"Why are you crying?" He asked as he wiped her tears, feeling unhappy to see the tears on her face.

"It's not proper to enter a female's room just..."

"I've being knocking like forever" Darian interrupted her. "You got me worried, so I had no other choice" he told her.

Raelyn didn't say anything, she only turned her face and looked away.

"I can see that you're not fine Raelyn, something is wrong with you" he touched her hands. "Why won't you tell me?"

'No, no, it's not something you should know about..' he heard her say inwardly.

"Why? Do you feel any pain? Why are you acting like I'm a stranger to you?"

"Darian" she called. "I'm very tired and I have to sleep. You should just go please"

"Why are you lying to me?" He sounded annoyed. "What's wrong with you that I can't know about?"

Raelyn did not respond, her silence made Darian a bit angry.

"Fine then" he stood up. "I'll leave if you insist" he turned to leave

"I got a tummy ache" he heard her say. "I'm sorry" she added.

He turned to look at her, "Why the sudden change of mind?" He asked. "You were so tight-lipped about it"

"I don't want you to leave" she replied, looking at him, "I'm sorry for hurting you"

"It's fine" He smiled.

Darian sat by her side. "Why do you feel the ache? Did you ate too much food?" He questioned.

"I... No, I didn't...but..." She stuttered, wondering how she was going to tell him about such an embarrassing thing.


"It's cramps, I do have cramps when I'm on my period" only heaven knows how much it took her to say these words.

Darian looked at her, puzzled. "Muscle cramps? On your period?" He asked. "Tell me, do you have your own period of time?"

Raelyn couldn't believe that he never knew what she meant. "You dunno what that is?" She asked him surprised.

"You're making it confusing, I dunno what you mean" he answered.

'How am I gonna explain what that is?'

"You really dunno anything about the human body?" Raelyn asked again.

"Of course I do" he replied. "I know about my body and baby making"

'Eew! This is serious. I really can't tell him this.' she thought within her. 'Doesn't he knows about when a girl is in that awful condition? How will I even say it? Even Aylin knows.' she continued her thoughts. 'I can't believe he doesn't know about the blood that flows from inside a woman, causes pain and ah! I forgot he doesn't have any sisters... Wait! What if he heard me? He could hear me?' Raelyn looked up at him. "You heard me?" She asked, sounding like she was about to cry.

"Yes, I'm still trying to..."

"Why? I said you shouldn't listen to me..."

"So you meant to say that period was that blood that stained the bedsheet? Why?" He asked and laughed. "I find it very stupid you know. Thank goodness I never knew about it initially, I'll read more about it if I got time"

"So is this how you curl up in bed because of the cramps?" He asked.

"My mother made a drink for me, I dunno how she does it but it's very effective as the cramps go immediately after I drank it" she responded.

"That's why you were crying?"

"Lucky guess" she looked at him.

"I'm always good at guessing" he smiled. "So let's do something about the cramps" he said


"I'll help you heal it,vI could be like that drink you know"

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"Uh huh"

"Where exactly do you feel the pain?" He asked.

"Around here" she touched her abdomen.

Darian placed his right hand there, "Do you still feel it?" He asked.

"I kinda do" she responded.

He rubbed the spot gently, Raelyn laughed as he did that.

"How about now?" He asked.

"I can't feel it"

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