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Raelyn couldn't understand what was going on around the palace, for three whole days, she had not seen Darian.

The only thing she had to do in the palace was to sleep, eat, read and play with Aylin, Darian was nowhere to be found.

It made her wonder if he had not returned from the place where he disappeared to three days back. No one can just leave, saying 'I'll be right back' and stay there for three whole days.

She was worried and restless in someway, and had even lose her appetite.

She felt that he was not okay wherever he is, even if he was safe, he might be suffering from something.

In the morning, Raelyn was dressed in a baby blue gown with hanging sleeves, she still had her hair in the hairstyle from yesterday and was looking forward to another day of restlessness and worry.

She knew that Aylin as usual, would be at the study, not reading but studying the photos illustrated on the books.

Raelyn sank on the bed to think. 'I should search for him. Why do I feel like I'm the one in trouble?' she wondered, as she looked at the glass-made chandelier hung in the ceiling.

'I must look around for him within this palace, starting with his room' she concluded and stood up from the bed.

Raelyn took a deep sigh before walking outside. She knew not where his room was, but she made up her mind to ask Cordelia.

Luckily, Cordelia was walking towards the kitchen when Raelyn saw her.

"Miss Cordelia" Raelyn called.

"Yes My Lady" Cordelia curtseyed.

"Have you seen the prince?" She questioned.

"No, My Lady" Cordelia shook her head.

"Do you know where his room is?" Raelyn asked further.

Cordelia shook her head again. "I'm afraid not, My Lady"

"Okay" Raelyn nodded. "I understand" she turned to leave disappointedly.

There were just too much rooms in the palace that she knew not where she would begin her search.

'At least he's sincere' she thought within her. 'I'll just look around the rooms'

She ascended the spiral staircase which was made out of glass completely, she had to hold her dress so as not to avoid slipping.

Raelyn sighed as she approached the first room, she knocked on the door before opening it after not finding an answer. "Hello, Your Majesty.... Darian?" But the room was empty and the only thing she heard was the echo of her own voice.

She checked the second, third, fourth, and all the rooms there, she saw no one.

All she saw were large windows and empty rooms.

Getting slightly tired, Aerin proceeded to walk towards the last room which was quite isolated, even the way there was pretty dark that she had to be careful while walking.

Raelyn felt a cold chill down her spine as she knocked the door.

She opened the door, "Your Majesty...? Darian?"

She entered the room and screamed, horrified by what she saw.

There were large, long and sharp  ices on the wall, the room was cold because of the snow that was falling.

She saw a flash of red light coming from a corner. Feeling very cold, Raelyn walked towards the corner carefully, so as not to get her skin pierced by one of the sharp ices.

Raelyn screamed when she saw him sitting down with his hands wrapped around his legs and his head on his legs.

She noticed a strand of red on his hair, and a dim light that shone out of his bare stomach and back.

What made the girl scream her lungs out was the sight of blood dripping down his neck.

And his eyes were red.

She quickly knelt beside him. "Darian, are you alright?" She raised his head. "Please look at me, please stop this please" she broke into tears. "What happened to you? Please talk to me, please"

She hugged him tightly, her teeth chattering due to the cold temperature of the room.

"R...R...aelyn..." He called with a husky and cracked voice.

"Yes... Are you alright? Do you need water? Wait let me get..." She stood to leave, but he held her hands.

"I... I'm sorry... I" he pulled her to his embrace. "I...m sorry for letting you see this... I was just"

Raelyn hugged him tightly as well. "What happened? You look.. why are you..." The red light from his body were already dimming, and his eyes and hair were turning back to normal.

The sharp ices and the snow falling were also vanishing.

Raelyn noticed that the injured spot on his neck had healed, her hands could no longer feel the blood that were dripping down his neck before.

'What just happened?' she wondered. "D...Darian? Are you fine?"

"Raelyn... I... I'm sorry..I knew I.."

"What happened to you?" Raelyn looked into his now deep blue eyes eyes. "What just happened?" She added.

"You cured me from my pains again Raelyn" he responded. "I'm sorry about my mother"

"Your mother?" Raelyn recalled what her sister told her earlier, she would like to hear things from Darian himself.

"I'm sorry for the pain she caused you Raelyn. I'm sorry there was nothing I could do about it" he furthered slowly.

"You mother wanted me dead" Raelyn said softly as she placed both of her hands on the back of his neck. "You don't have to feel sorry..."

"No! It was all my fault" he interrupted, taking her hands.

He looked at her deep eyes. "Please Raelyn... Forgive me?"

Raelyn was touched that she began crying. "You... did nothing wrong Darian... I... Was... "

"I should've..."

"No please, you're only making me feel guilty. Please stop!" She cried.

"Raelyn, promise me that you'll..."

"Darian, I should be asking for your forgiveness instead" she cut him off. "Please don't talk like that. I was only blind at that time to realize that..." She was saying untill she noticed how heavy he was breathing. "Are you alright Darian?" She worriedly asked.

"I'm... getting better" he responded with his eyes half closed.

"Darian, I promise... I'll always be by your side but please don't let this happen again. You scared me.." the girl continued to sob.

Darian wrapped his hands around her tightly, "I need you Raelyn" he spoke under his breath.

Raelyn planted a soft, warm kiss on his cold lips.

"I need you more Darian"

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