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"Where am I?" Was the soft word that came out of her mouth, Raelyn noticed that she was seating down on a place covered in green grasses.

Beside her was the irresponsive body of her younger sister, Raelyn's eyes watered as she saw the blood-stained arrow in her sister's back.

Raelyn could hear the noises coming from a distance, without being told, she knew that she was not longer within her palace. But where was she?

She gently stood up and frowned when she saw how awful her pretty dress was. It was stained with blood and mud, not to mention that it's sleeves had being cut off by that broomstick army.

Raelyn looked around her environment, wondering where she was.

She knew that the enemies might be looking for her, what if they caught her inside the pit yesterday?

She decided to pay close attention to the noise around her, she could hear the sound of drum banging, lot's of shouts like how the commoners at Khaerolia does at the market, sounds of carriages and trumpets.

'This ain't Khaerolia!' she declared.

Even if she knew not how she guessed that she was not at Khaerolia, Raelyn had that kind of feeling.

Since she managed to survive, it would be better to hide herself under a powerful disguise, including repainting her golden hair black.

But it was impossible.

From her appearance, people would tell that she's a blue blood, especially when her portrait had being sent to different rulers from different kingdoms.

Not to mention the dress, even if it was already ruined, people would tell that it wasn't a simple dress any commoner could afford.

'I just hope the people hear won't recognize me' she prayed as she carried Aylin from the ground to her back.

Though it was only her name people knew, not everyone had a portrait of her's.

'I'll just find somewhere to take Aylin to, then I'll find brother'

She followed a small path leading to the direction of the noises.

Raelyn Ciaran was an extremely gentle girl, she was the second child of King Ciaran Nikolai and Queen Ximena Ella Vernon, of course she was very pretty and well-behaved.

She lived a luxurious and happy life with her family, until yesterday night. The night which was supposed to be hers.

It was her eighteenth birthday, she was celebrating her coming of age and birthday party when those unknown armies intruded.

As she thought about how her beautiful and peaceful life ended within a few minutes, Raelyn's blood boiled in her vein.

'I swear by my blood that I'll avenge my parents death, I'll take revenge on whoever those people are, I won't spare a single soul' she vowed within her.

Raelyn could see people passing by as she entered the lively environ, they were women and children all dressed in normal clothes with an apron and a scarf tied around their head.

Some held baskets, while others were holding the hand of little children.

The men were dressed in clean clothes, everyone facing their businesses.

They were different stalls selling stuffs like breads, cookies, clothes, jeweleries and others, every stall having it's own banner.

She could admit that this city was very beautiful and cool, in fact, more beautiful than her own kingdom.

She liked the music being played by a fat man sitting at the front of a grand piano.

'My guess was right, this is isn't Khaerolia'

But where is this place? How did she get here? Wasn't she still within her palace premises before falling into a pit?

"Oh beautiful girl, what happened to her?"  This feminine  voice almost made Raelyn fall.

"Oh hi...hi..." She was startled before maintaining her composure to respond to the woman in front of her.

"You look startled" laughed the woman. "I can see that you are not from this Kingdom, anyways, my name is Calliope and welcome to Carish" the woman looked quite older, probably in her mid-thirties, she had a shoulder-length brown hair and was dressed in a green corset dress.

"Oh, I'm...I'm... Lyric, it's an honor to meet you" she used the name of one of her personal maids back home.

Poor Lyric, she is probably dead...

"And this girl doesn't look alright" Calliope looked at Aylin. "Where did she get sword thrusted into her?" She asked in concern.

Raelyn searched her head for lies, who knows if Carish was one of their enemies?

"I had to pass the battlefield" she simply responded. "Please are there any Physician here so that I'd take my sister there?" She asked.

"Of course, he's my father. His store is over there" Calliope pointed at a tall building just a few meters away.

"Please can you take me there?" Raelyn asked in a pitiful voice. "I've being separated from my parents on our way back home, I have to find them" she lied again.

"Oh poor girl, you must be so lonely, of course I'll help you. Let's go"

As they walked, Calliope tried talking to Raelyn, but she only said a few words.

She felt that Lyric looked so familiar to someone she knew, but on the other hand, she decided to shake the thought off, Lyric wasn't the only girl in the world with blonde.

'But her hair is so shiny and similar to...'

"Calliope, you brought a fairy?" A short old man in a brown long coat and round glasses asked.

"This is my father, the physician" Calliope told Raelyn. "Father, we have a real problem here"

As the old man saw the arrow inside the little girl's back, he instantly opened the door of the house and let them in.

Raelyn gently laid Aylin down on her tummy on top of the bed, the physician quickly pulled out his working tool.

He put on a pair of black gloves, and motioned to remove the arrow.

Raelyn had to close her eyes, she couldn't bear to watch as the arrow was forcefully removed from her sister's back, she tried to refrain her tears.

"It's poisoned" she heard the physician's voice.

"What?" Raelyn opened her eyes and took a look at the arrow.

Indeed, apart from blood, there were sticky white substances on the arrow.

"How could that be?" Raelyn fell to the floor and broke into tears.

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