coach's daughter (q.h)

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"Alright Quinn, I'm still not understanding why you want to work on your defense. You're doing phenomenal this season."

I could hear Quinn sigh through the loud sound of my music. While I couldn't hear the rest of the conversation, my dad came up and stood in front of me, still facing Quinn. I took out my AirPods and set them aside, looking up.

Quinn and I made eye contact, but he quickly looked away, face flushing a rosy color. I laughed softly to myself after seeing his reaction.

"This is my daughter, Y/n. She's one of the best centers I know, and I'm not just saying that because she's family." Dad said.

I looked at Dad, "Alright, not too much."

We shared a laugh which Quinn awkwardly joined. Dad talked Quinn's ear off as I tightened my skates and got on the ice, skating a few laps before throwing some pucks on the ice and stick handling before taking a few shots.

After taking a few, Dad called me back over. I skated over to them, trying my best to control my excitement. Sure, I've seen Quinn play a few times, but actually skating with him is probably the best thing to ever happen.

Well, second best thing.

Quinn and I hooked up at a team event 2 days ago. We knew if my dad found out it wouldn't end very well for the both of us. I mean, we were adults. But finding out that your daughter was with the captain of your team? He was bound to be angry.

I snapped out of my thought when Dad started to explain the drill to us.

"Just get through him and score. We could bring Thatcher out here if you want." He offered.

Glancing at Quinn, he answered before I even could. "No need to bother him. It's a practice for me, not him."

Dad shrugged before his phone started buzzing. He smiled at us before walking out, heading towards the locker rooms.

Quinn turned his head to me, "Ready?"


He knocked the stack of the remaining pucks down on the ice, before skating to his spot. I let out a breath before hitting the pucks toward center ice, then skating there myself.

"Ready?" I asked, getting a thumbs up in return.

I took a breath before taking a puck, stick handling right towards him. He skated backwards, trying to get in between me and the goal. Since my head was up, I could see a slight opening of the top shelf.

Taking the shot, Quinn's head flicked back. We saw the puck go straight past the line, hitting the back of the net.

"Fuck." He whispered.

Skating towards him, I placed my hand on his shoulder. "Do you want me to make it easy at first?"

An offended look rose on his face before he laughed, "Gee, thanks."

I laughed with him before skating back, and trying the same thing again. But this time when I tried to go around him he poked it with his stick, which made me head straight down onto the ice.

My arms braced my fall, but I was still in slight shock. Quinn immediately got down, eyes wide.

"Are you okay?" He asked, clearly panicking.

"I'm fine."  I chuckled.

On my way back to my feet, I slipped slightly. Quinn reacted involuntarily, reaching out for my body. His hands landed on my waist and pulled me straight towards him. I looked up, his eyes staring straight into mine.

Maybe I was just in shock from the fall, but I swear I could see his eyes flicker to my lips. We were breathing in sync before he leaned in, asking for a kiss. Before I could give in, steps started coming back towards the ice.

I immediately pulled away from him, skating around him and picking up a puck. I started juggling it in the air before Dad spoke.

"Y/n! You're here to help Quinn, not mess around!" He yelled, before walking back out.

Clearing my throat, I let the puck fall down before skating back to the middle.


We practiced for 2 more hours before I had to go.

As I untied my skates, Quinn sat down next to me. I quickly smiled at him before putting my focus back on my skates.

He sighed, "So we're not gonna talk about it?"

"Talk about what?"

He pulled my hands away from my skates, holding them in his hand. I picked my head up to look at him.

"Did you not finish or something? Was it bad? Did I do something wrong?" He ranted.

I stopped him, "No, you were great. But it can never happen again.

This made his eyes go wide, "What? Why not?"

My eyebrows knitted together, "My father is your coach."

"Right. Call me when you grow a pair." He said before getting up and walking away.

My jaw dropped. I quickly took off my gear before following him. He had walked into the locker room and I quickly followed.

His back was turned when I walked in. I placed my hand on his shoulder, turning him around.

"I can make my own decisions." I told him.

He looked down at me, "Yeah? So why won't you go out with me?"

"Maybe I just don't like you."

His eyes rolled, "Right. And that's why you were moaning and screaming my name," He turned around and lifted his shirt over his head, revealing red scratches on his back. "You even left these."

A warm feeling rose to my face at the sight. He turned back around, smirking when he noticed my face.

Taking a step towards me, he placed his hand on my face, forcing me to look at him. "Tell me again you don't like me. Tell me you don't want me and I'll leave you alone."

I didn't say anything. I tugged on his shirt, bringing him down for a kiss. He reacted almost immediately, placing his hands on my waist.

"Let me take you out on a date. Please."

"Okay." I whispered, pulling him back in.



sorry I've been procrastinating writing bc I literally feel like I've done every plot under the sun even though I haven't

i promise i'm trying to be more consistent

hope you guys enjoyed tho :)

<3, J

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