until tomorrow (j.h)

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"Y/n! Come in here sweetie! We have to go greet the new neighbours!" I heard my mother yell.

I groaned, "I'll be there in a sec Ma!"

I was currently in the backyard with my dad, he was teaching me how to have more power in my shot.

"C'mon honey, just hit the ball with your laces! It's not that hard." he urged.

"Easy for you to say, you aren't the one doing it." I rolled my eyes at him.

He chuckled, "Honey, I'm a coach. I think I know what I'm talking about.".

My dad was the head coach of the Canadian Men's National team. So I guess he did know what he was saying. But I'm 10 years old. I have the right to be stubborn.

I sighed, "Okay. But if I don't get it in the next few shots you have to tell mom you broke her favorite vase."

I was juggling inside prior to coming out here. Let's just say I wasn't aware of where I was. Oops.

"Fine." He gulped. "Dear god I hope she gets it." I heard him mumble.

3 shots later, I finally hit the ball with enough power to make him satisfied. He ran over to me, picked me up, and spun me around.

"Yes! I knew you could do it. You're gonna be a star honey!" he exclaimed.

"Y/d/n! Y/n! Let's go! These cookies aren't going to stay warm forever." Mom yelled whilst walking towards us.

"But, your dad's right. You, my love, are going to be a star." she said as she kissed my forehead. "Now let's go before they think we're bad Canadians."

We all laughed at that.

I rushed to take my cleats off and put my crocs on. Sure I was sweaty and tired, but it's not like I wanted to marry the neighbors. They were probably just an old couple looking to settle down in Toronto.

Oh, how wrong I was.


We walked over to the neighbors next door.

When we go to the front porch, I knocked on the door.

"Now remember, don't over do it, my love." Dad said to Mom.

She scoffed, "Please, if anyone would over do it, it's not me"

They smiled at each other, then looked at me.

I was a little offended, but before I could come up with a sassy reply, a blonde woman opened the door, a man behind her. Most likely her husband.

"Hi, can we help you?" the lady asked

My mother perked up, "Hi! We're your neighbours! We just wanted to welcome you to the neighbourhood, and answer any questions you might have!".

The lady and her husband smiled, "Why, it's lovely to meet you." She looked down at me, "Hi, how are you honey?"

"I'm good, tired, but good." I answered, a big smile on my face.

Her husband looked at my parents, "Nice to meet you. I'm Jim and this is my wife, Ellen."

"I'm Y/m/n. This is my husband, Y/d/n." Mom said

Jim turned his attention to my jersey, "Toronto Soccer Academy. You play?" He asked.

I nodded my head with a big smile, "Yes sir! I'm a forward. My dad coaches too!"

I was always proud to tell people that.

Mr. Jim looked at my dad, "I do as well. Hockey, though."

All of a sudden my dad's head perked up, suddenly more interested.

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