surprise! (j.h)

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I was currently sitting down in front of a whole production crew, big lights in my eyes.

In front of me, I had a bunch of my essentials on the table. I was filming a '10 things I can't live without' with GQ Sports.

"You ready?" a lady asked me. I nodded eagerly and smiled at the camera.

She counted down before telling me to go.

"Hey GQ! My name is Y/n L/n and these are 10 things I can't live without." I said.

I held up a container of vanilla protein powder, "First thing is protein powder. Specifically vanilla.  As an athlete, obviously my protein intake is important to me. And I've found that vanilla is extremely versatile and you can mix it with a lot of things and still have it taste good."

"Next, we have deodorant. I have a very rational, I think, fear of smelling bad." I laughed. "I do like having the spray on ones because you can share them and sometimes one of the girls will forget to throw one in their bag."

I picked up my pair of glasses and set them on the table, "This is definitely another important one. While my vision isn't terrible, it still isn't perfect. So these just kinda help me, you know, see."

The crew laughed at my statement.

I went through a few more things. My favorite pair of shoes that matched with everything, my phone and headphones, my favorite sports drink, my favorite snacks, and so on.

Then I got to the last set of items. I picked up a ring and a necklace from the floor and placed them on the table in front of me.

"Finally we have my promise ring and necklace. My boyfriend, Jack Hughes for those of you who don't know, got me these for our anniversary last year. Since we both travel a lot for our sports, it gets hard to see each other during our seasons. When he gave me these, he said that he got them for me to not only show his love for me, but to promise me that no matter how far we are from each other or for how long, he will always love me no matter where I am."

Thinking back to the memory, I smiled.

"When was the last time you saw him?" a guy asked me from behind the camera.

I thought about it for a little bit, "About a month. My team had a couple of international friendly matches so that's why. And he's had some games and practices as well."

As soon as I said it out loud, it hit me that I hadn't seen him in a while. Sure we texted and facetimed every night, but it wasn't the same as having him here.

I finished up the interview with a smile on my face, not wanting pity. I thanked the workers for having me before I left the studio.

I walked to my car and drove back to my hotel. I ordered some room service before stripping my clothes off and stepped into the shower.

By the time I had finished my shower and put on my robe, I heard a knock on the door.

"Room service!" the lady yelled. I opened the door, took the food, and thanked the lady.

As I ate while watching some dumb show on Netflix, I couldn't help but think about Jack. I fidgeted with the ring on my finger. Had he really meant what he said? Or did he just say it to say it.

My thoughts quickly went to the worst case scenario. What if he found another girl in New Jersey while I'd been gone? I mean, I was all the way across the country right now.

I was snapped out of my thinking when I heard another knock on the door.

"Room service!" a poorly executed female voice yelled from the other side.

Hesitant to open it, I peered through the peephole to see a familiar brunette standing outside.

I quickly swung the door open to a sight that I had only dreamt about as of lately.

My body was a bit slow to catch up with my mind. But when it did, I opened the door completely.

Before I knew it, I was being engulfed in a tight hug which I gladly accepted.

"How? Why are you?-" my incomplete thoughts were cut off by a kiss.

"I missed you. I couldn't help but come here." Jack said, grabbing my face to look at me.

We stood there, admiring each other. I closed the door before I spoke again, "I missed you too. More than ever."

Taking a few steps back, he sat down on the bed.

"How are you here right now? I thought you had practice this whole week?" I asked

He smirked, "I lied. I just wanted to surprise you."

I smiled at him, "Best surprise ever."

We closed the gap between us again. I missed him.

After a bit he tugged at the tie of my robe, "How about I make it better?"

Like I said, best surprise ever.

short and sweet! do you guys have any nye plans?

hope you enjoyed :D

<3, J

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