deja vu (q.h)

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Quinn's last day in Michigan was today. He's lived in Vancouver for the past 5 years, but every time he visits home, I dread the thought of him leaving.

We've been neighbors and friends since we were 5. We also shared a birthday so that made us even closer. We went to prom together, we applied to college together, we graduated high school and college together. But, I have yet to tell him how I feel. We've both dated other people before, but they didn't last. I like to think that it's because on some level, we know how we feel about each other.

"Did you hear anything I just said?" Quinn asked from his bed.

I spun his desk chair around to face him, "Sorry. What's up?"

He sat up, "I just asked what you wanted to do today. You know, since I leave tomorrow."

"Don't remind me." I groaned.

He laughed and stood up, pulling my hand causing me to do the same. He dragged me downstairs where our families were eating together.

As soon as he saw us, my younger brother, Leo, made a gagging noise, causing everyone to look at him.

My mom smacked him gently, "Stop it."

A smile appeared on his face when everyone turned to look at us. I guess Quinn hadn't realized he was still holding my hand because everyone gave us wide-eyed looks, causing his face to contort into one of confusion.

His hand came up to scratch his beard, "Is there something on my face?"

Luke chuckled, "Nah bro. There is something in your hand though."

Quinn looked down, noticing our hands were interlaced. He quickly dropped my hand and put his hands in his pockets.

"So I assume you guys are still putting up that whole "friends" act?" Jack asked, using air quotes around the word 'friends'.

I smiled at him, "It's not an act, we're just friends."

Quinn nodded, before walking over to the counter to serve himself some breakfast. As soon as I was out of his field of vision, I turned back to Jack, signaling for him to cut it out.

He held up his 10 fingers, mouthing the word 'years', causing me to roll my eyes.

Copying Quinn's actions, I served myself some breakfast before I sat down next to Mom.

She nudged my shoulder, "When are you going to tell him? It's been almost 10 years."

"I'll tell him when it's the right time." I whispered.

When she said it out loud, I realized just how long it has been since I caught feelings for Quinn. We were 15 and he invited me to one of his hockey games. They won, and we planned to go out to celebrate. That's when he first kissed me. We were standing outside the rink and it was rainy, and he just went for it.

Sure we've talked about that moment, but he just dismissed it as something random that happened when we were teenagers.

To me it wasn't anything random, but I couldn't tell him that.

After we finished breakfast, we helped clean up before we sat in the living room.

I scrolled on my phone before it was grabbed. I sat up, Quinn sitting next to me, putting my phone in the pocket of his sweatpants.


"Yes seriously! It's my last day here and we aren't wasting it on our phones."

Before I knew it, he dragged me yet again, but this time outside.

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