snacks and therapy (q.h)

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"One more. You can do it." Jenny, my physical therapist said.

I tore my ACL at a competition last month. While surgery went well, recovery is always the hardest part of any injury.

"I can't do it! It hurts." I said through clenched teeth.

Jenny let out a sigh, "Well you need to try. You've  already done 2. What's one more?"

"Easy for you to say. You aren't the one doing it."

She had been my physical therapist for every injury I've ever had, so she knew I was stubborn.

Jenny placed her hand on my shoe, pushing it against the pedal. I groaned in pain at the feeling of my knee bending.

"This has got to be so many forms of illegal." I whined.

She clicked her teeth, "Nope. Now finish it on your own."

I pushed against my will, finishing the final cycle. I let out a breath, knowing the hardest part of this session was over. Since I had time before the next exercise, I decided to get a snack.

Picking up my crutches, I tightened my brace slightly before heading towards the lobby. I knew the best snacks were in the vending machines out there.

"What happened to you?" An unfamiliar voice asked when I entered the snack room.

He had brown hair, blue eyes, and was a decent height. He was kinda cute.

I looked around at my snack options while I answered, "ACL tear."

He clicked his lips, "Damn. How'd that happen?"

Having only just met the guy, I tried my best to suppress my annoyance. Not at him and his questions, but at Jenna for making me do another round.

"I turned and landed weird during my skating routine." I replied with a thin smile.

I kept looking around at my choices, hoping he'd leave soon and stop with his questions. But he didn't.

He took another chip out of his small bag, "You skate?"

My back was turned to him so he didn't see me roll my eyes, "Mhm. Was supposed to go to nationals, but then that happened."

As much as I wanted to rant to somebody about my anger and frustration from this injury, it probably wasn't the best idea to do so with a random guy I met while getting a bag of chips.

I decided to get a small bag of Sunchips and a gatorade. Before I could pull out my wallet, the guy put in a $5 bill for me. I looked at him in confusion.

He shrugged, "Least I could do for bothering you with all those questions."

"Thanks. And it's okay, I didn't mind." I replied, giving him a full smile this time.

I typed in the combinations of the things I wanted and they were quickly dispensed. I hadn't thought about the bending down part to actually get them, so I was glad he was in here with me. I turned to look at him, but his eyes were looking directly at me, his mouth slightly open.

"Um. Would you mind?" I asked quietly, pointing at the machine with my crutch.

This brought him out of his trance, "Huh? Oh, yeah. Sorry."

He lent down and handed them to me. I took them out of his hands before smiling at him and trying to turn around. I barely made it one step before the bag and bottle fell out of my hands.

I groaned and started moving them across the floor with my crutches. The guy quickly picked them up.

"You can ask for help, you know. It won't kill you." He joked.

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