prom (q.h)

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I was on the planning committee for my high school. It was prom season, aka the worst time of the year for us.

"What if we do a 'Winter wonderland' theme?" my friend Taylor said.

I sighed, "Our prom is in Spring. So that wouldn't make any sense."

She slouched in her chair, "Oh yeah."

My head lowered onto my desk. Why did picking a theme have to be this hard? Couldn't we just throw a few random decorations up, throw a bunch of teenagers in a room together, and call it a day?

"Okay guys listen up!" I announced, getting everyone else's attention. "We really need a theme now. Our prom is in 2 months and we barely have anything done. Does anyone have any ideas?"

"Masquerade?" "New York!" "Disco!"

I let out a breath of relief, "Okay. We're getting somewhere."


After a lot of civil arguing, everyone on the committee decided on our theme.

A Night to Remember.

Basic. I know. But it's one of the only themes we could get done quickly, but also do a good job on.

"All right. Now that we have our theme, if everyone could sign up for their job before they leave, that would be great." I smiled

A few minutes went by and people started to come up to sign up for their jobs.

And of course, no one was signing up for decoration responsibilities. Before I could say anything about it, everyone in the room left. Except Taylor.

"Damn. No one signed up for decorations again?" Taylor asked.

I turned to look at her, "Any chance you would do it?"

She exhaled a laugh, "You're funny. You know that any job we don't sign up for falls on you. You know, because you're president of the committee?"

"Yeah, yeah. I thought it was worth a shot." I told her, laughing.

She rested her hand on my shoulder, "Good luck with that. Plus, you know I always volunteer to work concessions and buy all that stuff".

"Yeah, yet you always end up stuffing it in your bag for later." I chuckled.

Taylor let out a laugh, "If I pay for it, it's mine for whenever I want it."

I nodded in agreement. If I had the chance to work concessions the entire night I would do the same. Unfortunately I'm not that lucky.

"Oh good! You're still here!" I heard someone say.

Taylor and I turned to look at the doorway, there stood her boyfriend John. He was accompanied by 4 of his friends from the basketball team.

His friends turned around to reveal the letters, 'P' 'R' 'O' 'M' on each of their shirts.

"Taylor. Will you do me the honour of going to prom with me?" He asked, moving the bouquet of purple flowers to reveal his shirt, which had a question mark on it.

"Yes! Of course babe!" she squealed, running towards him to engulf him in a hug.

Aw. How cute.

I sighed, letting her enjoy her moment, because yes, it was cute and I was very happy Taylor had someone to love. I just couldn't help but feel a little jealous.

While they chatted about how long it had taken him to plan his promposal, I turned back to the job sheet to write down what I needed to do.

Decorations, find and hire a photographer, DJ, security guard, and one of those ticket puncher guys. Sure it was a lot, but I had 2 months. I knew I could get this done.

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