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"I think Valeria should back off really, because Elisa won't let it be like that." Louis commented while brushing his fingers over Harry's arm.
"Yeah, Valeria is gonna pay for this all." Harry mumbled, watching as the episode ended, the credits following.

"How do you feel?" Louis whispered, focusing on Harry's curls, as if he could decode what face expression was on Harry's face thanks to that.
"I am alright, I just feel like I got smacked with a frying pan right in my face." Louis shook his head, letting a small smile tug on the corners of his lips.
"I see." Louis leaned down onto Harry as his fingers began to trace his arm.
The older one kissed into Harry's hair, knowing it was late.
"We should get some sleep. You should drink a bit more water before that though." Harry slowly sat up, getting out of the bed.

He had to go downstairs for that, so that's what he did. Louis got comfortable in the meanwhile, just waiting for Harry to come back.
"Lou? Can I use your laptop real quick?" not realizing what he had looked at previously that day, Louis said yes.

The realization hit him soon though, making him sprint down the stairs. He quickly grabbed the laptop into his hands, looking at the screen.
"Is something wrong?" Harry asked, obviously not aware of anything.
"Nothing, just let me..." the laptop unlocked in few more seconds, letting Louis close all those tabs he didn't want Harry to see.
"Here." Louis handed him the laptop back.
"Thank you." Harry stared at Louis with a frown on his face.

He did what he needed to do, before he looked up at Louis again.
"Are you hiding something from me?" he asked, being too curious.
"No, I am not." what else could Louis even say to that...
"It looks like it though. You know you can tell me anything."
Louis nodded in response.
"Okay then. Let's go to bed." Harry turned the laptop off, getting up, and heading towards the stairs.

Louis was tight behind him, not knowing if he fucked up a lot.
"Harry." Louis watched as his boyfriend lied down, facing the wall.
"Harry..." Louis repeated once he lied down as well.
"Why can't I know what's going on?" he rolled onto his back.
"Because it's nothing that concerns you love." a big fat white lie.
"Okay." Harry rolled onto his side again, facing away from Louis.
"Good night." he mumbled into the dark. Louis moved closer, wrapping his arm around Harry, but the younger one moved even further away from him in response to that gesture. Louis moved back to his side of the bed, leaving Harry alone. He sighed as he closed his eyes, deciding to let it be.

In the morning Louis woke up with Harry cuddled into his side. He smiled at that, reaching down to stroke Harry's cheek. Harry's face scrunched, his eyes opening soon after.
"Morning baby." Louis smiled down at him.
"Morning." Harry rasped.

"I need to go to the bathroom real quick." Louis waited for Harry to pull away, so he could leave.
"But cuddles..." he pouted, watching Louis leave.
"I will come back and give you all the cuddles you want, yeah?" Louis rubbed over his face as he walked down the stairs. He felt it might not be as bad and they won't argue anymore.

For breakfast, Louis made Harry a yogurt bowl as he thought that was the best option for his empty stomach.
Harry's clingy phase had passed by then, his brows furrowing at the sight of Louis' laptop resting on the table.
"I thought we could maybe go for a trip today. But we should probably stay here for one more day to make sure you will be okay." Louis announced.

"Okay." Harry avoided Louis' eyes.
"Something wrong?"
"Why do you hide things from me?" Louis sighed, leaning back into his chair.
"Here we go again." he mumbled under his breath.
Harry heard him though.
"Why can't you tell me?" Louis didn't want to do this, he didn't want to spoil it nor did he want to argue.
"Harry, can we please move past that?" he chose to say in the end.
"No, I want some explanation as to why I can't know."
Louis sighed again, getting up from the table.
"So you won't tell me anything then? Not even a reason why I can't know about what you have in that laptop of yours?"
"Jesus Harry! It's none of your business, okay? It's nothing that concerns you at the moment. If it did you would habe been told!" Louis raised his voice at him, just wanting this stupid nonsense to stop.

"Okay." Harry nodded, getting up from the chair.
He put his dishes away, before he headed to the bathroom.

"Fuck it!" Louis kicked into the kitchen island out of frustration.

They didn't talk to each other afterwards. They were both in the house, feeling shit in each other's presence. Louis eventually mustered up the courage to ask Harry about lunch.
"I thought I'd make quesadillas for lunch. Would you like that?" Harry nodded without even looking at Louis once.

"Are we just gonna ignore each other now?" he tried again.
"I guess so." Harry answered while still looking at something in his phone.
"Okay." Louis turned around, leaving him on the couch as he obviously wished.

During lunch Harry stole a couple of looks at Louis. He was starting to feel guilty. He realized he was just ruining their vacation by being a pain in the ass.
"It's awesome." Harry commented.
"Thanks." Louis was only nibbling on his own portion. Eventually he got up and left the food unfinished on the table. He wasn't in the mood for food, so he headed upstairs.
Harry sighed, feeling bad for all of this. He decided to just leave it and try to make it good between them again. He gave Louis some time while he cleaned the kitchen. When he was done tidying, he grabbed Louis' plate and headed upstairs with it.

Harry sat down next to him in silence, not knowing where to start.
"You should eat some more."  Harry pressed a kiss to Louis' shoulder.
"I am not hungry." he said while playing with his hands in his lap.
"Louis." Harry sighed.
"I am sorry, okay? I really am." Louis just kept staring down onto his hands, not knowing what to say to him.
"I can feed you as a baby if you'd like. Those quesadillas are amazing, I mean it." Harry grabbed one piece, directing it up to Louis' lips.
"Open." Louis backed away with a frown on his face.
"Harry stop." but the younger one didn't stop. Louis parted his lips eventually, letting the younger boy feed him a bite of the food.

"Another bite?" Harry asked when Louis swallowed it.
"No, I can eat myself." Louis grabbed the quesadilla from Harry, taking a bite on his own.
"So, are we good?" Harry pressed another kiss to Louis' shoulder, before resting his chin against it.
"I don't know, are we?" Louis looked to his side to glance at Harry.
"Louis. Just say yes or no." Harry wanted a proper answer from him.
"Of course we are good." he pressed a quick peck to Harry's forehead to reassure him.
"Okay. I am glad." Harry smiled small, watching as his boyfriend continued to eat.
The last thing Harry wanted was to ruin the rest of their vacation with his stubbornness.

"Can I get a bite?" he asked, making Louis turn towards him.
"Hmm, I don't know about that. Yeah okay." he chuckled, letting Harry take a bite too after teasing him.
"Thanks. It's really good." Harry licked his lips.
"There is some more downstairs. You can get another portion if you want to." Harry thought he shouldn't,
but he did so eventually, bringing a full plate of quesadillas to their bed.

They shared, finishing the whole plate off together.
"We need to make them at home too." Harry licked around his mouth as not to have any sauce or grease left there.
"Okay. I wrote that down mentally." Louis said after swallowing his last bite.
Harry smiled at him, happy that they weren't ignoring each other anymore. He knew he could be pretty stubborn at times, Louis could be too.

Hi my stars⭐️! Here is another chapter. I hope you enjoyed it.

I love you all so much. Hope you have a lovely day/night wherever you are!<33

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