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They just stayed in each other's arms afterwards, Harry enjoying being the little spoon.
Louis pressed a peck to Harry's back, his mind running wild. They kept quiet and fell asleep quite soon, still not letting go of one another.

When the first rays of sun came through, Louis began to wake up. He opened his eyes to see Harry lying snuggled close to him, but unlike at night, he was facing him in the morning.
Louis' eyes scanned Harry's uncovered forearms since they were both still just in their boxers. They always slept dressed and Harry slept in a hoodie all the time. Louis hadn't got too many chances to see his scars. It was obvious to Louis that Harry didn't want him to see them.

Louis sat up on the bed, stretching his legs and arms. He was about to get up when a raspy voice stopped him.
"Don't leave me." Louis turned around, seeing that Harry was staring at him with his still sleepy greens.
Louis moved closer towards him, propping himself onto his elbow.
"Good morning." he smiled at Harry.
"Good morning." Louis pecked Harry's lips.

"I might have a little plan for today." Louis stared into Harry's eyes with little smile playing on his lips. He wanted to do something nice for Harry. He deserved it.
"What plan?" Harry was suddenly wide awake.
Louis had to chuckle at his reaction. He was glad to see Harry like that.
"I want it to be a surprise. I just need to prepare a couple of things. And I should clean the mess in the kitchen." Harry looked away, being well aware he had made that mess and therefore he should be the one cleaning it.

"What do I do then?" Louis smirked while playing with a couple strands of Harry's hair.
"You just get ready and be beautiful as always." Harry rolled his eyes as he blushed.

Louis cleaned the kitchen while Harry took a long steamy shower. He also did some skincare and put lotion on his whole body. Each time he put the lotion over his scars some bad thoughts got to him, but he tried to push them away while he put on his clothes.

When he was done with everything he stepped out of the bathroom. The bathroom air was really warm, the other rooms were so cold in comparison.
"Need help?" Harry asked when he entered the kitchen.
"No, no. Give me a few and I will be done." Louis told him.
"Okay, I will wait in the living room?" Louis only hummed.

When they left the flat they headed to the garage. Louis took a bag with him and honestly Harry thought he knew what they were going to do, but he didn't want to spoil it since Louis planned it for them.

Louis drove through the city, making his way out of that asphalt jungle. He drove to that place where Harry once took him all those months back.
"I think I know this place." Harry turned his head to the side to look at Louis.
"Yeah?" Louis quirked his brow at him, laughing right afterwards.

He parked the car, turning towards his boy.
"What are we gonna do here?" Harry asked.
"You know I won't tell you. Stop asking and just get out of the car." Harry rolled his eyes, but did as Louis told him to.

Louis got the bag from the backseats before he locked the car and walked over to Harry.
"Now let's walk a bit." Louis walked right into that little forest in front of them and Harry just followed.

The younger one caught up to him and grabbed Louis' hand. Louis just smiled as he glanced at their entwined fingers.
"Almost there." after few more meters there was more light getting through again, which meant they were getting out of the forest soon. They left the forest behind, a beautiful meadow opening in front of them.

"So since we haven't done cinema I had to search for a different cliché date and I found picnic. What do you say?" Louis put the bag down, taking out a blanket.
"I say it's lovely." Harry kept shuffling on his feet as Louis prepared the food.

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