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Looking too closely - Fink

Harry made two cups of hot chocolate while Louis was in the bathroom.
Then he made his way into the living room. He placed the two full cups onto the conference table and made himself comfortable on the couch.

Louis walked in a few minutes later. His hair was dripping wet and he was only dressed in his sweats.
When Harry noticed he couldn't help but stare.
When Harry finally looked away, he could feel his cheeks heating up.
"Have you seen my white tshirt that I wear to bed?" Harry bit his lip guiltily.
"I might be wearing it right now. It- smelled like you." Harry was blushing crimson red.
"Oh right. I am gonna take a new one then." Louis shrugged and left to get a new tshirt.

When he returned, Harry handed him his cup of hot chocolate.
"I made us some."
"Thank you." Louis happily took it from him.
"This shit is good." he announced after taking a sip.
"I know." Harry sipped on his own drink.
He crossed his legs and made himself properly comfortable.
Louis had no idea how that could be comfortable for someone but he didn't question Harry's actions.

They sipped their drinks while watching a movie together.
When the movie ended, Harry got up from the couch in order to take the cups into the kitchen.
Louis waited in the living room for him.

He came up to Louis, staring down at him pleadingly.
"What is it?" Louis asked.
"I want a hug." Louis smiled. He was scared something happened.
"Come here." he opened his arms for the younger one. Harry climbed into Louis' lap and wrapped himself around him.

He rested his chin on Louis' shoulder and closed his eyes.
Louis was drawing soothing shapes into Harry's back while watching the tv that was still on. They kept silent and stayed like that for a half of that documentary about Alaska. Louis found it pretty interesting to watch. But when he could feel his legs going numb, he knew that Harry had to get off of him sooner or later.
Harry didn't answer.
Louis dragged his hand up and down the boy's back, realizing he was sound asleep.
Louis didn't have the heart to wake him up, so he laid him down on the couch. Thankfully, Harry didn't wake up. He rolled onto his side and carried on sleeping. Louis then brought a blanket from the bedroom and covered Harry with it.
He looked down at his boy, caressing his long chestnut curls.
"Sleep well." he whispered to him before he left. He didn't forget to leave the light in the next room on. He didn't want Harry to panic once he woke up.

Louis woke up in the middle of the night thanks to hearing some noise coming from outside of the bedroom.

He got up while blinking away the sleepiness. Louis walked in the direction of the noise. He could see Harry going through the cabinets in the living room.
"Harry?" the younger one didn't expect Louis to be up. He scared him.
"It's just me. What's going on? The noise woke me up." Harry couldn't move or talk. He was unable to.

"Hey. You're okay." Louis reminded him.
"I was looking for the blades." Harry admitted. Louis kept them away ever since Harry asked for it. He only took them out when they needed to shave in the mornings. After that he put them back at their hiding place.

Louis' brows raised, a look of pity making it into his face.
"Why?" Louis asked.
"I just have the urge." Harry needed to feel the pain. Feeling the pain helped. At least for a bit.
Louis was glad that Harry didn't choose to use a knife this time. Maybe he knew it could end up the same way like the last time and tonight he just needed that relieve.

"I am sorry but I can't give them to you." Louis shook his head.
Harry let the tears spill as he began to bounce with his legs. Louis thought about another option.
"Do you have an elastic band for your hair?" Harry nodded as he sobbed. He retrieted into the bathroom and brought a brown elastic band.

"Okay. You can put it on your wrist and use it instead of a blade. I know it's not the same but you can't keep hurting yourself like that. Could you try this instead?" Harry nodded quickly, staring at the band that was around his wrist.
"Come here." Louis pulled him to his chest. Harry tugged on the elastic band in the meantime, wanting to try it out.

It wasn't the feeling that Harry was going for but it somehow helped him a bit.

They fell asleep around 4am in the end. When Louis woke up in the morning, he knew he needed a huge cup of coffee.
He took the biggest one he owned and made his coffee the way he liked to drink it.

He went back into the bedroom to see Harry was still sound asleep. Then the older one got ready, dressed up and made breakfast for them.
When he was done, he brought Harry his plate with eggs into the bed.
"It's time to wake up." he caressed the younger one's head.
"Breakfast is ready and we need to leave for work in 30 minutes." Harry slowly opened his eyes, sitting up against the headboard.

"You are all dressed up. Did I oversleep?" he began to panic a little.
"No, no. You have enough time to eat and get ready." Harry took the plate of ham and eggs from his boyfriend.
"Thank you." the younger one gave him a quick peck.
"You are welcome." Louis pecked Harry's lips as well.

Hi stars. They kept me in the hospital for a bit longer. I am stressed out if something is gonna fuck up.
I hope you liked the new chapter.
I love you x T

doctor, why so cold?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora