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American Jesus - Nessa Barrett

Louis walked into the hospital on monday to be surprised by Harry already being in the changing room.
"You are early today." Louis commented.
"Early bird gets the worm." Harry gave him a tiny smile.
The whole day went by well, but Louis had those uneasy feelings. He wanted to be closer to Harry again. He kept fighting his thoughts the whole day. When their shift finally ended, he decided to invite Harry over.

"Styles?" Louis spoke up when they were standing in front of the hospital.
"Yes?" Harry turned around to face him. Louis took a couple of deep breaths before he opened his mouth.
"I wanted to ask you-" he got interrupted before he could finish his sentence.
"Hey Harry, ready to go?" someone flung an arm around Harry's shoulders.
"Yeah, in a moment. What did you want to ask doctor?" Harry looked back at him.
"Just- work stuff. Nothing too serious." Louis took a step back while checking that guy next to Harry up and down.
"Are you sure? You can ask me." Harry tried to persuade him.
"No, it's okay. See you tomorrow." Louis pulled on a fake smile before he turned around and walked away.
Harry just sighed as he watched Louis walk away.

"Hm, so that's that doctor of yours, innit?" his friend asked.
"Yeah, that's Louis."
"I'm sorry, but look who arrived to spend some time with you before going abroad!" Harry smiled.
"You of course, Zayn."

Louis kept his original distance from Harry ever since. Harry still couldn't fight the feeling that Louis thought him and Zayn were in a relationship. He wanted to let him know somehow. He wished he could, but he didn't know how at first.
"Doctor Tomlinson?" Harry finally managed to think up something.
"Yes, Styles?" Louis kept filling in some paper as he talked back.
"I wondered if I could leave an hour earlier tomorrow. My friend is leaving for a couple of months and I'd like to say a goodbye." Harry bit his lip, hoping Louis will get it.
"Alright, I guess you can. Just make sure it's agreed to formally as well." Louis didn't even look up at him. He didn't get it, did he?

"Alright, thank you." Harry turned back towards his laptop, feeling disappointed. He should have thought of a better way to tell him.

Maybe louis was slower. He definitely was slower. It was around 11 at night the same day. Louis was brushing his teeth when he realized something.
"He wasn't his boyfriend, was he?" he sighed to himself as he leaned against the tub. He totally forgot about the toothbrush in his mouth.

Louis would have loved to call his intern to ask, but it was inappropriate. He couldn't do that.
He couldn't stop thinking about Harry the whole night though.

Louis finally realized how much the thought of Harry dating someone else bothered him. It hurt much more than the fear that he would leave him one day. Harry was gonna date someone else if he was gonna keep being like this, untouchable.

Louis arrived late the next day.
For the first time in his career, he arrived late at work. He never ever arrived late before.
Harry was already sitting in his chair, worried expression plastered on his face.
"Good morning. I got scared that something happened to you."
"No, I am alright. I just had to make a stop before going to work." Louis brought a rose from behind his back.
"I am slow. You might have realized that already." he chuckled nervously.
"Harry... last night I realized that I hate the thought of you dating somebody else, which is definitely selfish, but- it helped me make this decision. I would love to call you my boyfriend if that title is still free." Harry's heart was beating fast in his chest.

"Louis..." Harry didn't know what reaction would be appropriate. He was shocked.
"Did I get it wrong?" he stepped back, feeling embarrassed.
"I thought you were trying to give me a sign. Sorry." Louis was about to throw the rose away because it was banned anyway and he was breaking the protocol in that very moment. He broke the rules for Harry.
"Don't waste such a pretty flower." Harry approached him.
"You got it right. He is just a friend of mine that came to visit before leaving for a couple of months."
Louis breathed out a sigh of relief.

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