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It went like this for a couple more weeks. Harry hasn't received a praise for a single one of his ideas or actions. Louis never told him he did a good job or that he had a good idea. He just kept being his usual self when he was around Harry.
It seemed like he didn't have feelings around anyone but his young patients.

Louis and Harry just finished their shift, walking out of the hospital. Harry was just few steps behind him.
When outside Louis met one of the other doctors and he stopped to have a quick chat.
"Hi, Louis. How Have you been?" Dr. Payne asked the blue eyed man.
Harry stopped in his tracks at a place where they couldn't see him, overhearing their conversation. He knew he shouldn't listen but he was too curious not to.
"Hi Liam. Still the same. Can't wait for this year to be over." Louis huffed out.
"Is he really that bad?" Liam asked him.
"The worst it is. I honestly can't stand him anymore. I am always relieved when I can leave work." Harry realized they were discussing him. He shook his head and walked from behind the corner, passing the two doctors in a swift pace.
"I think he heard you." Liam looked at Harry.
Louis sighed as he watched his intern walk away.
"I am going home. Have a good shift." he turned around on his heels and left.

Harry gave up. There was no point in trying. He didn't like Louis. It was completely mutual, so he just stopped trying to make louis grow to like him at least a bit.
"Styles-" Louis was about to ask for something when he noticed that the file, he wanted to ask for, was already being handed to him. Harry didn't look him in the eyes for a split of second, an ice cold expression plastered on his face.
"Styles, you forgot to-" Louis stopped mid sentence when he realized that Harry didn't forget.
He was finally precise as Louis wished for. He was professional and without his I am a sun personality on display.

It was lunch break and Louis was just buying a sandwich in the cafeteria. He joined Liam at one of the tables.
"Hi Louis. How's it going?" Liam asked after he took a sip of his tea.
Louis didn't listen to him. He watched Harry who just came through the door instead. His features were still as ice cold as they were the whole day. He ordered an apple and a sandwich as Louis could see. He looked around the cafeteria to find a place he could eat at before he joined a guy at one of the tables.
He smiled at him as soon as he sat down and they talked.
"Louis?" Liam frowned and turned around to see where his eyes were fixed.
"Who is that- blond guy?" Louis couldn't hide the disgust in his voice.
"New intern at my department. His name is Niall Horan. I am not his supervisor but he is pretty good and really nice." Liam stared at Louis with a smirk.
"Are you jealous?" he questioned.
"Don't be ridiculous. I don't care about what Styles does or who he talks to." Louis took a bite of his sandwich, ending the conversation between the two of them.

After another week of suffering with each other, there was a night shift that Louis and Harry had to take. As per usual, they had to work together.
Harry came into the changing room, seeing that his supervisor was there as well.
"Good evening." he greeted him. Louis just said it back casually.
In a moment another person walked in.
"Hi Harry." it was one of their colleagues, her name was Sarah.
"Hey Sarah." Harry gave her a warm smile.
"Good evening Dr. Tomlinson." she greeted him as well.
"Evening." Louis just muttered back.
"Ready for your night shift?" Sarah asked Harry.
"Ready as I can be." he chuckled while putting his hair up.
"I haven't asked you yet! We are inviting people from the hospital to a little gathering at a bar. Would you like to go?"
"When is it?" Harry asked.
"This weekend already. It's okay if you can't."
"No, should be fine. My plans for the weekend got cancelled so..." he mumbled.
"Alright then. I'll text you later."

That night shift at the hospital was the most uneventful yet.
They had only one patient in the end.
"It's 6 am, our shift is over." Louis got up from his chair.
"Alright." Harry got up as well.
He was already ready to leave and Louis was too.
"Can I leave?" Harry questioned.
"If you are done with everything, I think you can."
"I am. Good night doctor." Harry said before he walked outside of the room.

Louis could see him once he was standing in front of the hospital.
Harry was on his phone, obviously calling someone. Louis just took the keys to his black Audi out of his pocket, ready to go home and sleep for a couple of hours.

doctor, why so cold?Where stories live. Discover now