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Fine line - Harry Styles

"What would you like to order?" Louis asked when Harry sat down on the couch in his apartment. He was still standing in front of him.
"Pizza? I am good with anything." Louis nodded and took out his phone.
"Okay... what kind would you like?" Louis looked down at Harry to see his eyes fixed on him as they welled up with tears.

"What's wrong?" Louis came closer towards him.
Harry slowly shook his head from side to side as he let the tears spill over the edge.
"Hey." Louis crouched down in front of the boy, carefully reaching out to take a hold of his hands. Harry let him.

"Do you want to take a nap? You need some rest." Louis rubbed his thumbs over Harry's knuckles.

"No, I-it's fine." Harry shook his head.
"Then... let's order us some food, love?" Louis said it more as a question and Harry nodded.

They chose two pizzas for themselves which Louis ordered before they both got comfortable on the couch.
"Louis? Could I take a shower please?" Harry asked after a moment of them just sitting next to each other without any contact.

"Sure. Do you need anything?" Louis asked when Harry got up.
"I have my towel there, right?"
"Yeah, put up new ones yesterday." Louis smiled sadly.
"Okay, thank you. I will be back soon." Harry mumbled quietly before he left.

While Harry was gone Louis couldn't help himself but overthink. He joined his hands and pressed them to his lips while staring somewhere in front of him. What bastards live out there? Why do people have to be so disgusting? How can they even do something like that to anyone?

Louis could feel anger taking over him as well as tears welling up in his eyes.
"Louis?" a quiet voice of Harry's made him snap out of his trance.
"Yeah, love?" Louis smiled at the boy as he got up.
"Were you crying?" Harry frowned as he scanned his boyfriend's face.
"No, I am alright." Louis lied.
"I just wanted to ask if it's okay I borrowed your clothes." Harry asked.
"Totally okay with me." Louis answered just as the bell rang.

"Imma get our food." he walked away, leaving Harry feel weird. He made himself comfortable on the couch once more, waiting for Louis to bring their pizzas.

Louis brought them their food in no time. They both ate in silence next to each other on the couch.
Harry wasn't really hungry though so he ate only three slices.
Louis felt like offering him to go to sleep again but he knew he didn't want Harry to feel like he was babying him.
"Tired?" he chose to ask instead.

"Not much." Harry shook his head.
"Just tell me when you are ready for bed. I'll sleep on the couch tonight." Louis announced.

"Why?" Harry questioned.
"I thought you'd like some more space for yourself." Louis said carefully.
"I mean- It's nice of you that you are being this understanding but I think I'd much rather have you there..." Harry took a pause.
"Protecting me." he mumbled the end of the sentence quietly.
Louis melted at those words.
"Oh, come here." he opened his arms for the younger one. The boy slowly crawled towards him and let Louis imprison him in a strong hug.
"I will be there with you if you want me to." Harry didn't mind that at all. He felt safe and loved in that very moment.

They watched a bit of tv before they headed to the bathroom to brush their teeth.
Harry had his own toothbrush at Louis' place of course. He squeezed some toothpaste on his toothbrush while watching Louis already brushing his teeth.
He brought the still open toothpaste up to his face and squeezed some on Louis' cheek.
"Mmm." Louis groaned with full mouth.
Harry was smiling though and that was nice to see. He looked much better than he did in the morning.

They headed to bed afterwards, Louis still not knowing what exactly to do.
"Lie down love. I'll turn off the light." Louis waited with his hand over the switch.
Harry didn't move at first and then he turned towards Louis.
"I know this will sound-" he sighed.
"I slept with my lamp on yesterday. It kinda made me feel safer and- would it be a problem if we left some light on?" Harry played with his fingers nervously.
"Well..." Louis looked around since he didn't have a bedside lamp.
"What if I left the kitchen light on, love? Would that be enough?" Louis walked into the kitchen and turned on the light there before he returned back to Harry.
"Yeah, thank you." Harry finally climbed on his side of the bed which was further form the door.
Louis turned off the light and climbed on the bed as well.
They lied down next to each other a little awkwardly for a while. They just stayed like that, lying on their back before Harry sat up.

"Forgot something?" Louis asked with furrowed brows. Harry didn't say a thing. Instead he moved closer towards his boyfriend and snuggled up to him.
Louis smiled small.
"You're safe with me, my love." he rubbed on Harry's shoulder soothingly.
"Good night Louis." Harry whispered already halfway in wonderland.
"Good night baby." Harry might have been almost asleep but he heard that nickname really well.

Hi my stars! A little shorter chapter is here.I haven't been well so I am not sure how much I will update but I really felt like this story deserved a nice fluffy part. Hopefully see you soon. I hope you are doing well.

Love you all endlessly x Toby

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