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The blue eyed man hadn't been feeling well, the realization of Harry's internship ending so soon hitting him hard. He didn't want anything to change. He just wished to have Harry by his side, that was all.

Washing his hands, he looked at his rebound in the mirror.
"It's not gonna change anything between us." he told himself, trying to persuade himself into thinking positive.

Walking inside of the cafeteria, Louis noticed Harry sitting at the table with Liam, smiling wildly.
Louis' corners raised into a slight smile at the sight, before they went back down.

He grabbed himself some food, joining them at the table.
"Hey, there!" Liam greeted Louis, who just took the seat next to Harry.
"Hey, Liam." Louis greeted, shifting his gaze to Harry afterwards, and giving him a teeny smile.
"Hi." Harry chuckled, shifting his gaze from Louis back to his salad.
"Hi." Louis replied.

"Okay, I know you are both madly in love, but I haven't talked to you both in a while. What's new? Are you gonna adopt a cat now?" Liam joked.
"Adopt a cat?" Louis scoffed, making Harry frown.

"Yeah, that's the next step in gay relationships, isn't it? First you adopt a cat, then you adopt a child." Liam chuckled, finding Louis' grimace proper funny.

"What about no?" Louis took a sip of his coffee.
"We aren't adopting no one, and especially not a cat." Louis shook his head, hearing a slight cough passing Harry's lips.

"You don't like cats?" Harry asked Louis.
The blue eyed one shifted his gaze to Harry, noticing the curious frown on his face.
"No, I don't like cats." Harry almost gasped.
"That's unacceptable. I love cats, they are adorable."
Harry couldn't believe that Louis didn't like cats.
"No, the only animal I'd adopt is a dog." Harry scrunched his nose slightly.
"Well, dogs are alright, but nothing is better than having a kitty." Louis couldn't believe Harry was a cat person.

"What if I want a cat once we move into our own place?" Harry had no idea why he even brought that up in the first place, but it made Louis' heart skip a beat nonetheless. Harry was really thinking of keeping him forever, as his husband.

Louis melted at that, his stare softening.
"Well... if we find a cute one, then we could adopt a cat." Louis smiled coyly at Harry, staring at him with so much love that Liam couldn't stand it anymore.
Coughing, the surgeon announced his presence.

"I am still here by the way. You both are so disgustingly in love it's ridiculous. You are cute though... anyway, I have to go now." Liam got up, saying his goodbyes, and leaving the cafeteria.

"You'd really adopt a cat with me if I wanted to?" Harry moved slightly closer to Louis, guiding his hand under the table, and placing it on Louis' thigh.
"I would sacrifice myself, yes." Harry tapped Louis' thigh a few times, a smile playing on his lips.
"You know that I'd do anything for you." Louis looked down to see Harry's finger tap against the fabric of his blue trousers. Louis had already noticed how whipped he was, but he couldn't be brought to be bothered by it. He would gladly do anything for his sunshine of a boyfriend to keep him happy.

"You are so whipped, Tomlinson." Harry bit his lip while Louis' gaze shifted back to Harry's face.
"You think so?" he cocked his brow as he folded his arms on his chest.
"Yeah, i do." Harry nodded, a small, but genuine smile playing on his lips.

As they finished their food, Louis' smile got replaced by a thoughtful frown.
"Harry?" he spoke up.
"Yeah?" Harry said after putting one of the last tomatoes into his mouth.

"What are your plans after your internship is done?" Harry swallowed the last tomato, shifting his gaze to Louis.
"Will you stay here or go to another hospital? Will you even stay in this city?" Louis knew how it sounded all too well, he knew he sounded scared of Harry leaving.
"Well... I kinda thought of switching it up." Harry admitted, which resulted in Louis' heart racing fast.
"I know it's ending soon, and I have been thinking about it a lot lately. I don't want to leave you here on your own, but I still can't help but think it could do me well to start fresh at some other hospital." Louis nodded to that, not knowing what he should say in response.

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