Loss (Smallpaw's POV)

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I saw Mouseclaw and Moletail standing next to what I thought was the leader of Lizardclan and his deputies.

"Owlstar," Bramblestar meowed curtly.

"Bramblestar" Owlstar greeted, equally as curt.

I could swear to Starclan that Owlstar wanted to strangle Bramblestar. Why? No idea. But I wasn't against the plan.

"We spotted a cat on your territory," Bramblestar began.

"I have many cats in my clan, Bramblestar," Owlstar retorted icily. 

"We saw a cat that used to be from my clan."

Owlstar snorted. "You mean Leopardleap and Pebblepaw?"


"If you mean Mouseclaw and Moletail, then yes. I don't think you know why she isn't in our clan."

Owlstar twitched his whiskers. "Really?"

"Yes," Bramblestar raised his voice so every cat in camp could hear, "this Mouseclaw, who you call Leopardleap, is a murderer!"

Every cat gasped except Owlstar and his deputies. I assumed they already knew. 

"I see you haven't told your clan, Owlstar," Bramblestar said with a cold smile.

"It's not your business what I tell my clan," Owlstar said, his tone dry. 

Show him, Owlstar!

"Well, I suggest you kick this dangerous cat out before she murders one of you," Bramblestar meowed calmly.

Owlstar shook his head. "I won't do any such thing, Bramblestar. And it isn't your business if one of my cats gets murdered."

"Well, I won't mind if you all die!" Bramblestar spat.

Owlstar's eyes suddenly hardened. "Be careful when you speak about your clan, Bramblestar. Some cats... will try to deceive you."

What did that mean? 

Bramblestar signaled us to leave, but Moletail, now Pebblepaw, held me back.

"How are my kits?" she whispered.

"They feel unfortunate you left, but they're recovering," I replied.

She sighed in relief. "Tell them I miss them with all my heart. Tell them I'll see them in Starclan. Unless Muckpelt-"

She stopped herself abruptly, looking like she was cuffing herself in her head.

"What?" I demanded. "What about her?"

"How do you know about her?" Pebblepaw retorted sharply.

"Does it matter? Tell me what you know, or I won't pass the message!"

She looked like she wanted to strangle me, but she finally sighed. "Some cat named Muckpelt is being tortured by an evil cat who wants to take over Starclan."

"What?!" I exclaimed. "We have to help her!"

"But how?" Pebblepaw mewed desperately. "We can't go into Starclan!"

"I'll find a way," I growled, turning and running after Bramblestar and his cats.



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