The Ways of Clan [EDITED]

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Owlstar looked grave, his eyes almost unreadable. They could hear the bustle of the clan cats, the cats not having a clue that something unusual was happening.

"May I speak?" Ivytail finally said.

Owlstar nodded.

"This cat murdered her deputy!" said Ivytail. "How do we know she's truly sorry?"

Mouseclaw took a deep breath. "I acted out of love. I wouldn't have done it if I hadn't truly loved Cloudfeather. I thought... maybe... maybe he would love me back if I did what he said."

Owlstar shook his head. "It was foolish. An evil cat like him would just have taken advantage of that." 

"I see that now," Mouseclaw said.

"I say we let them in," Swifttail mewed. 

Owlstar twitched his whiskers. "More mouths to feed."

"More mouths to catch the food we eat. I believe Starclan would want us to help them."

"Very well. The former tribe cats shall receive an apprentice ceremony. Moletail, would you like to change your name?"

Moletail licked her chest self-consciously. "I mean... if you can... it's not like you have to..."

The leader mrrowed in amusement. "Very well. Mouseclaw, would you too like to change your name?" 

"I suppose," she said thoughtfully. 

"Very well."

They walked out of their den, Moletail feeling serene. This has all gone better than she had ever hoped for! A new clan that didn't hate she-cats!

"Oh, and by the way," she heard Mouseclaw whisper to Owlstar, "Moletail doesn't know how to hunt or fight, she wasn't taught."

Owlstar nodded. "Then I will take it upon myself to teach her."

"All cats who hear the call of The Owl gather around Clanrock for a clan meeting!" Owlstar yowled.

"Ain't 'is strange?" Water said excitedly. "Am I 'onna be prey-'unter? That's what I was in me tribe!"

"Oh, no, Water," Mouseclaw mewed. "There are no prey-hunters or fighters in a clan."

Water looked scandalized. "What ya say? No prey-hunters?"

Mouseclaw smiled, her eyes glinting in amusement. "We all share the duties."

"Well, I'm going to hunt," Shadow announced.

"Ya, well, I'm going to fight," Peridot said.

"Ya, I'll fight too," Thunder said.

"Shh! The meeting's starting!" Moletail chided. 

"As you know, The Season of No Prey is coming," said Owlstar. "We need all the hunters we can get. Therefore, I have taken a somewhat drastic measure."

Murmuring began from the cats below, their faces betraying their worry.

"I have decided to let six new cats in."

"Six new cats?!" an orange tabby tom exclaimed.

"Yes," Owlstar agreed.

Shocked silence followed these words. Some looked as if they expected him to say, "Just kidding!", but it didn't happen.

"Thunder that Booms in Storm, Water that Falls on Foggy Day, Shadow in Blinding Light, Peridot in a Stormy Sea, Moletail, and Mouseclaw, please step forward."

All the cats stepped up, their fur bristling in excitement.

"Thunder that Booms in Storm, from this day forward, until Starclan has granted you all the wisdom needed to become a warrior, you shall be Thunderpaw."

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