Slimefoot's Agony (Slimefoot's POV) [EDITED]

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"Mother," said Petalpaw, "can you help me get mouse bile for Pebblefur? I need to check him for ticks. I asked Smallpaw, but he had to go, and I have to change the moss for the beautiful she-cat den."

"Go ahead, Dear," I replied. "I'll check Pebblefur for ticks."


I sighed as I watched my daughter scamper off to change moss. I marveled at her optimism, even with the never-ending list of work.

I groaned as she realized I had to go inside the medicine den. I unsheathed my claws, ready to defend herself in case Badgerleg tried to do something.

I finally walked inside and found Badgerleg sorting herbs. 

"Badgerleg, I need moss soaked in mouse bile," I said curtly. 

"Sheath your claws, frog-face," Badgerleg snarled. 

I sheathed them a little bit, but I made sure my claws were still a bit unsheathed.

"Can I please have moss soaked in mouse bile?" I repeated.

"Why?" Badgerleg demanded.

You'd think you'd know because you're a medicine cat! I thought hotly. 

"I need to check Pebblefur for ticks," was all I said.

"Fine," he grumbled, picking up and moss and stalking out of sight for a moment. He reappeared a few moments later carrying the soaking moss.

I took it and went to the elder's den, where Pebblefur was sitting down, staring into space.

"Hey, Pebblefur," I mewed softly. 

"She-cat," he nodded tartly. 

I ducked down so he couldn't see me smile. I don't know why, but I thought it was quite funny.

Luckily, Pebblefur was generally kinder than other toms, mostly because he was very old and could hardly remember to be rude to them.

"Looking for a story, I suppose?" he grumbled. "Luckily, I've been prepared for you little cats to come to ask for some."

I perked up. "Oh, yeah! I can check you for ticks while I listen."

The elder wrinkled his nose at the foul smell, but finally said, "Alright, young'un. But make it quick!"

I smiled excitedly and quickly got to work

Pebblefur cleared his throat and began, "This happened many, many, many moons ago. It was a little before Stormwing was born!"

I perked my ears. Stormwing has been a tomcat that had warned all the clans that many badgers were poised to attack. All the clans hid, and when the badgers made it into the forest, they surprised them and drove them out. It had been a very, very long time ago.

"Anyway, deep in the forest, in Oakclan camp, a she-cat named Sunsetprowl gave birth."

Sunsetprowl was a pretty name, so I assumed it was for a beautiful she-cat.

"She had two toms and a she-cat, but the she-cat is irrelevant to the story. Anyway, one tom was named Woodwing and the other was named Owlglide. After they became warriors, of course! 

Anyway, one day Woodwing found a loner named Styx. Styx put it into his thick head that Starclan was weak. Woodwing believed him, because of his thick head.

The foolish tom went and talked to Owlglide about it, but luckily Owlglide didn't have such a thick head. He tried to knock some sense into Woodwing, but it didn't work.

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