Giving In

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"Okay, so just copy me, alright?" 

Pebblepaw, Goosenose, Cherrypaw, and Troutfang had gone out for battle training. The pine trees loomed above them, but they had found a dry clearing where they could practice.

The apprentices nodded and fixed their eyes on their mentors. As Goosenose charged at Troutfang head-on, Troutfang leaped away. As Goosenose tried to skid to a stop, Troutfang leaped onto her and pinned her down.

"Woah!" Cherrypaw purred. "That was amazing!"

All Pebblepaw did was nod slightly and look at her paws. She felt miserable as she faced Cherrypaw so they could practice the move.

Cherrypaw lunged at her as quick as lightning. Instead of leaping away, Pebblepaw shrieked and was pummeled over by Cherrypaw.

"Pebblepaw!" Goosenose scolded. "Were you even listening?"

"Sorry," she muttered.

"How about Cherrypaw try the move?" Troutfang suggested dryly.

Pebblepaw rolled her eyes and prepared to charge. She roared and sprinted at Cherrypaw, her teeth bared. Instead of just going straight, she aimed toward where the apprentice would leap away. With a surprise yowl, Cherrypaw fell over as Pebblepaw tackled her. 

"She's not doing it-" Cherrypaw's whine was cut short as Pebblepaw struck her muzzle.

"Pebblepaw!" Goosenose snarled. "Get off her at once!"

"She hit me!" Cherrypaw cried, scrambling from under her. "She's a monster!"

Pebblepaw's rage seemed to blow away. She turned away, murmuring, "Sorry, Cherrypaw."

"What's gotten into you?" Goosenose growled. "You've been acting drowsy, grumpy, and aggressive!"

It's working, Pebblepaw thought miserably. Nobody likes me. Now that tom won't be able to kill them.

"Get back to camp and stay there!" Goosenose continued hotly. "Maybe taking a nap will make you more tolerable!"

She gloomily walked away, heading back to camp. But she didn't want to sleep. Sleep meant more talking with the evil tom.

But for some reason, her paws took her to her den. 

No! She thought desperately. No sleep! Please!

But it wouldn't work. It seemed like her body was working by itself, completely disregarding what her brain wanted. 

She unwillingly curled up and closed her eyes.

The tom's cold laughter rang through the air, sending shivers down her spine.

Pebblepaw found herself once again in the den of hard sticks; two legs swarming around her.

"You didn't want to sleep, did you?" the tom sneered. "News flash! You don't have an option."

Pebblepaw gritted her teeth, her tail swishing in annoyance. "How? You can't force me to sleep!"

The tortoiseshell laughed, his eyes shining with malice. "Well, how do you explain that you're sleeping right now? When you didn't want to?"

"What do you want?" Pebblepaw demanded.

"I'm giving you a new chance, of course!" the tom made an evil smile. "I know you're lying about not liking your little friends. I just like to watch you suffer."

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