A New Generation (Slimefoot's POV) [EDITED]

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"Where's Moletail?" came a squeaky meow from the curious tom, "And her kits? I want to play!"

"Oh, they moved into the slave den," I replied, trying to sound as engaging as possible.

"What's a slave?" the tom asked, his eyes wide with wonder.

"A slave is a cat who serves other cats," I explained. "It's like being a personal assistant, but for cats."

"Why does she have to serve other cats?" the white tom questioned, his head tilted to one side.

"Well, a long, long, time ago a she-cat lost a bet with the other cats," I replied with a chuckle. 

I wasn't going to tell them the truth yet.

"Will I have to serve too?" the she-cat asked, looking a bit worried.

"It's possible," I said, trying to be honest. "But don't worry, you'll still have plenty of time to play and explore."

The kits perked up at the mention of play, and the sand-colored kit immediately took charge. "I'll be the leader this time! Sister, you can be my deputy!"

The kits all laughed, and soon they were running around and playing together, lost in their own little world of imagination and adventure. It was a joy to watch, and for a moment, I felt like a kit again too.

But too soon it had to end. Bramblestar's voice boomed through the clearing, "All cats trained or in training gather around Highrock for a clan meeting!" 

As I heard the call, I couldn't help but sigh and call my kits together. I made them sit at the entrance of the nursery, wondering what new announcements our leader had in store for us.

After a few moments of silence, Bramblestar cleared his throat and spoke, "I must choose new deputies. I say these words before Pinestar, my father, that he may hear and approve of my choice." 

My heart skipped a beat as I waited to hear the names of the new deputies. 

"Foxpelt and Lightningblaze will be my new deputies," he announced.

The small kit next to me whispered loudly, "Are they going to be good deputies?" 

I replied with a shrug, "I don't know, dear."

Bramblestar continued, "There will be a couple of changes around here as well. I resign my status as Maplepelt's mate-" he paused for a moment, "-but Maplepelt must still be treated with the utmost respect, for she has served as the leader's mate for moons," he finished.

The white kit inquired, "Is she a nice cat?" 

I hesitated for a moment before answering skeptically, "Depends."

Bramblestar then addressed the crowd, "You must all understand that we cannot allow chaos to reign in our midst. That is why I have decided to take measures to ensure that order is maintained." 

The sand-colored kit squeaked, "What does 'maintained' mean?" 

"Maintained means to stay in a certain way," I explained.

"Firstly," Bramblestar continued, "leaders must always have a mate. And so, I have decided to take Dandelionstripe as my mate."

The white kit turned to me with inquisitive eyes and asked, "Who's Dandelionstripe?"

I took a deep breath and tried to think of the best way to answer without revealing too much. "She's a beautiful cat," I replied.

Bramblestar then proceeded with his next point, "Secondly, she-cats must be guarded at all times. Beautiful she-cats must be treated with respect, but we must do what we can to keep ugly she-cats under guard."

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