The Consequences of Betrayal [EDITED]

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Bramblestar walked into his den and found Maplepelt curled up, deathly still. 

He asked her in alarm, "Maplepelt, are you alright?"

"Does it look like I am?" she snapped, her voice breaking. "Pinestar is gone!"

Bramblestar was at a loss as to what he could do. He hadn't yet grown accustomed to having a mate. He said awkwardly, "I'll... um... leave you alone," as he exited the den.

Everything had gone downhill since he became the leader. He longed for his father's guidance, but he couldn't have it.

He knew he needed to choose a deputy, and quickly.

"All cats trained or in training gather around Highrock for a clan meeting!" he yowled.

Cats immediately came swarming out of their dens, eager to hear what their new leader had to say. 

"I must choose new deputies. I say these words before Pinestar, my father, that he may hear and approve of my choice. Foxpelt and Lightningblaze will be my new deputies."

Foxpelt and Lightningblaze exchanged looks of mingled pride and sadness, walking towards the rock. 

"There will be a couple of changes around here as well," he said. "I resign my status as Maplepelt's mate-"

A wail of dismay arose, and he spotted Maplepelt digging herself into Swanpelt's shoulder.

"-but Maplepelt must still be treated with the utmost respect, for she has served as the leader's mate for moons," he finished.

Some looked sympathetically at Maplepelt; others were nodding like it made sense. 

"You must all understand," he began, "that we cannot allow chaos to reign in our midst. That is why I have decided to take measures to ensure that order is maintained."

"Firstly," Bramblestar continued, "leaders must always have a mate. And so, I have decided to take Dandelionstripe as my mate."

Dandelionstripe's eyes widened in surprise, but she quickly composed herself and stepped forward to take her place next to her new mate.

"Secondly," Bramblestar went on, "she-cats must be guarded at all times. Beautiful she-cats must be treated with respect, but we must do what we can to keep ugly she-cats under guard."

"Furthermore," Bramblestar continued, "I believe that toms can also be made into slaves. Runts, unskilled, and boisterous toms will be forced into servitude. They will be treated just as the ugly she-cats are treated."

At this, some of the toms in the crowd shifted uneasily, but Bramblestar did not seem to notice.

"Even beautiful she-cats can be made into slaves as punishment," he went on. "And for those who are already slaves, punishment can take the form of scarring, being force-fed crow food, or sleeping outside in the coldest area of the forest.

That is all for now."


Bramblestar marched towards the dreary, uninviting nursery where Badgerleg's kits were waiting for him. He was supposed to perform their naming ceremony, but Badgerleg had refused to come along, leaving Bramblestar alone to undertake the task. As he drew closer, he could hear the little bundles of fur playing around and their mother keeping a watchful eye on them.

As soon as the kits saw Bramblestar, they froze in their tracks and scurried towards the shelter of their mother. "Where's Badgerleg?" Slimepaw asked in her usual, unconcerned tone.

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