Potential Wasted (Smallpaw's POV) [EDITED]

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"Hey, Smallpaw!" Blizzardpaw called. "Wanna eat together?"

"Absolutely not," came the drawling voice of Acorntail

"Come on!" Blizzardpaw growled. "We're littermates! You can't just say we can't eat together!"

"I can, and I will," Acorntail retorted. "I won't have my apprentice eating with a runt! The shame of it!"

"I'm ashamed to be your apprentice!" Blizzardpaw spat.

I unsheathed my claws and dug them into the ground, imagining it was Acorntail's sorry pelt.

"Well, that's too bad!" Acorntail hissed. "Because you are! Now suck it up and do what you're told!"

"Hey, it's fine," I muttered. "You can go eat with another apprentice."

"That's the thing!" Blizzardpaw said. "There aren't any other apprentices except Dunepaw, and he's out hunting, and I'll be a warrior by the time Straypaw's kits are apprenticed!"

"Isn't that too bad?" Acorntail scoffed. "Why don't you go eat with Pebblefur? He's all alone too, you know!"

Blizzardpaw muttered something that sounded like, "Eat fox-dung," and made his way to the elder's den.

"And you-" Acorntail spat at me, "stay away from my apprentice!"

"He's my littermate," I shot back. "Not that you'd know about littermate love!"

Acorntail stiffened. "I think I know more about love than you do."

I laughed heartily, doubling over. "Ha! As if!"

Acorntail cuffed my ear, claws unsheathed. I stopped laughing and hissed at him. He ignored me and stalked away.

I hissed again at nothing in particular, feeling frustration seep off me. 

"Are you ok, Smallpaw?" 

I turned and saw Petalpaw was timidly sitting in front of the runt den. 

"Oh, yeah," I said.

Petalpaw walked to me slowly. "Don't lie to me, Smallpaw. Please?"

I licked my chest, mustering up the courage to talk to her. "Okay, okay. Acorntail is a big piece of fox-dung."

Petalpaw smiled, nudging me playfully. "You express your feelings really well. Even when you were a kit."

I assumed she meant when I was Slimefoot's kits, because there was no way she'd know I was Pinestar, Midnighteye's kit.

I chuckled. "I know."

"You should let Acorntail be Acorntail," she mused. 

"But Acorntail is a snake-heart!" I snarled.

"I know, I know," Petalpaw said quickly. "But you can't educate him, and that's that."

I sighed, finally accepting defeat. "I suppose."

"Well, would you like to help me get some mouse bile for Pebblefur?" she asked, nudging me again.

I shrugged. "Sure. Not like I've got something better to do."

"Smallpaw!" I heard Lightningblaze call.

"Me?" I asked disbelievingly.

"Yes, you- come on, we're going to Lizardclan."

I could hardly believe my ears. I was going to Lizardclan!

"Really?" I mewed. "That's great!"

Foxpelt snorted. "We're not taking you for fun, runt. We're taking you so you can clear our path. You know, clearing brambles and fox dung."

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