Reborn (Smallpaw's POV) [EDITED]

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I opened my eyes, and instead of seeing the grass, trees, and Muckpelt, there was...


I was in Slimepaw's litter!

I started sucking milk, kneading her belly. 


Well, I was a kit again. I used to wish I could be one sometimes.

I might as well enjoy it.

I closed my eyes and sucked.


"Where's Moletail?" one of them asked, clearly eager to play. "And her kits? I want to play!"

I couldn't help but roll my eyes. They were so naive and innocent, unaware of the harsh realities of the world around them.

Slimepaw, always the helpful one, piped up. "Oh, they've moved into the slave den," she said, prompting a flurry of questions from the kits.

"What's a slave?" one of them asked.

"A slave is a cat who serves other cats," Slimepaw explained patiently. "It's like being a personal assistant, but for cats."

I couldn't help but snort at her words. "That's the nicest way you could put it, I guess," I thought to myself.

"Why does she have to serve other cats?" another kit asked, looking puzzled.

"Well, a long, long time ago, a she-cat lost a bet with the other cats," Slimepaw replied with a chuckle, clearly enjoying herself.

"That's not what happened!" I wanted to say, but I bit my tongue. It was better for them not to know that I had been reborn.

"Will I have to serve too?" my sister asked, looking worried.

"It's possible," Slimepaw said, trying to reassure her. "But don't worry, you'll still have plenty of time to play and explore."

My brother immediately perked up and said, "I'll be the leader this time! Sister, you can be my deputy!"

As we all started to tussle and play, I felt a sudden pang of nostalgia. I had forgotten how fun it was to be a kit, to play and explore.

"All cats trained or in training gather around Highrock for a clan meeting!" a voice called out, interrupting our play.

My heart skipped a beat as I recognized the voice. It was my son, the one I had left behind when I died. As we made our way to the nursery, Slimepaw guided us to the entrance of the nursery.

My son cleared his throat and said, "I must choose new deputies. I say these words before Pinestar, my father, that he may hear and approve of my choice."

I held my breath as I listened closely, hoping that my son would make a wise choice.

"Foxpelt and Lightningblaze will be my new deputies," he announced.

I sighed in relief. Those were cats I would've chosen too.

The small kit next to me whispered loudly, "Are they going to be good deputies?"

Slimepaw replied with a shrug, "I don't know, dear."

Yes, they will!

Bramblestar continued, "There will be a couple of changes around here as well. I resign my status as Maplepelt's mate-"


"-but Maplepelt must still be treated with the utmost respect, for she has served as the leader's mate for moons," he finished.

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